12 schools across rural india have functional computers, 56 have electricity - digital blackboard

12% schools across rural india have functional computers, 56 % have electricity - digital blackboard

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-08
12% schools across rural india have functional computers, 56 % have electricity  -  digital blackboard
Human Resources Development Minister Prakash Javadekar announced last month the government's plan to launch the "digital blackboard action" through which they plan to teach children through the smart blackboard using the Internet.
The HR department told parliament on Monday that only about 56 schools in rural India have functional electricity and only about 12 have functional computers.
These numbers are not very consistent with the government's "digital blackboard" program, which plans to create digital intelligence courses for school children.
Human Resources Development Minister Prakash Javadekar announced last month the government's plan to launch the "digital blackboard action" through which they plan to teach children through the smart blackboard using the Internet.
Minister of State for Human Resources Development, Upendra Kushwaha, advised 55 in response to a written question from Parliament.
100 of the schools in rural India have electricity functions, only those in Delhi, Chandigarh, rashadeway and DamanDiu.
The situation of the functional computer is even worse, only 11.
80 schools with functional computers.
The maximum coverage is in local governance, with 99.
74 schools have access to the facility.
Under the center.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan's sponsorship program (SSA)
And Mick Shiksha Abhiyan, National madhiya (RMSA)
The central government supports states and UTs to create and expand infrastructure, including internal electrified and computer facilities, based on gaps identified by the unified regional education information system (UDISE)
Based on the budget allocation of the plan and the advice received from the respective states/UT, "the minister said.
According to SSA, this is a program for students below Level 8 that provides lakh of Rs 50 per region per year to maximize ICT (ICT)
Focus on the coverage of primary schools in science and mathematics, including funds for hardware, software, etc.
Under the RMSA program for higher classes, the government wants to focus on education --
Backward blocks and areas where SC, ST, minority and weaker sections are concentrated.
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