amazon patents new alexa feature that knows when youre ill and offers you medicine - online drawin

amazon patents new alexa feature that knows when you're ill and offers you medicine - online drawing board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-10
amazon patents new alexa feature that knows when you\'re ill and offers you medicine  -  online drawing board
Amazon has filed a patent for a new version of its virtual assistant Alexa, which can automatically detect the situation when you are sick and sell you medicines.
This feature can analyze speech and identify signs of other diseases or emotions.
An example given in the patent is that a woman coughs and nose while talking to an Amazon Echo device.
Alexa first suggested drinking chicken soup to treat her cold and then ordering cough medicine on Amazon.
If Amazon introduces the technology, it will compete with a service planned by the NHS.
Health minister Matt Hancock said earlier this year that the NHS is working to provide information through Alexa from the online service chosen by the NHS.
However, Amazon's system doesn't need to ask if people are sick.
It will know automatically by analyzing their voice.
Amazon's patent says ads for sore throat products can be automatically played to people who sound like sore throat.
Patent applications also include the use of Alexa to track emotions.
Amazon describes a system where Alexa can tell by your voice if you are bored and tired, and then it will advise you what to do for those emotions.
This future version of Alexa will listen if users cry, and then classify them as "emotional anomalies ".
Amazon also described a way to advertise for different emotions.
Patent applications include a scenario where a singer pays for ads on Alexa for their new album, which will only be played to tired or boring people.
However, Amazon's patent application does not clearly demonstrate that the company is developing any of the features described.
Technology companies have filed a number of patents, including abortion products and ideas that will never pass through drawings.
Healthcare and medicine are areas that Amazon has been focusing on in recent years.
On June, the company announced the purchase of the Pillpack, an American business that mailed prescriptions.
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