are portable keyboards suitable for the classroom - portable electronic whiteboard-ITATOUCH-img

are portable keyboards suitable for the classroom? - portable electronic whiteboard

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-07
are portable keyboards suitable for the classroom?  -  portable electronic whiteboard
Portable electronic keyboards, while undoubtedly a useful resource in the classroom, are not originally or primarily designed for classroom use, and their use cannot solve all the challenges of classroom music.
They are not a suitable substitute for the piano, although they are sometimes sold as piano as well.
The technical and musical results involved are completely different.
However, the portable electronic keyboard itself is a legal and popular instrument. it can be taught and played in language, and the music is highly cultivated.
There are obvious differences between classroom music and instrumental music teaching in function and identity, but there is something in common between the two.
Students benefit when classroom teachers and tool mentors connect with each other to maximize the connection between the two.
Everyone can benefit from the expertise shared.
This lays a solid logical foundation for the search for music education methods in which classroom music teachers and peripatetic instrumental music experts work with each other to provide music teaching and learning for students on campus
In a recent study, by comparing the research areas covered in the classroom and instrumental music curriculum, the uniqueness and common ground between classroom music and instrumental music teaching are further considered.
During the study, delegates discussed the following points, and everyone asked to report on different aspects of the comparison. 1.
What can classroom music teachers discover from the keyboard teaching methods adopted by research instrument experts, and which research areas, especially the reserved areas of instrument teachers? 2.
What can instrument experts learn from the work of studying the keyboard in the classroom? 3.
How classroom teachers and instrument experts work together
Trying to achieve those aspects that clearly overlap in the course?
Here are practical suggestions that classroom teachers can use: 1 recreate sound using a keyboard (
Traditional and synthetic);
Compare with the available "original" and "acoustic" equivalents.
Use the keyboard to automatically accompany the contemporary sound background of the song (
Either play "live" or play pre-recording)3.
Develop music activities including rhythm and pulse supported by keyboard automatic accompaniment.
Use keyboard auto-accompaniment to expose students to a variety of contemporary music styles from around the world.
Help students learn more about music through keyboard activities, which have access to the visual relationship between notes and stave6.
Use the keyboard to help students develop an auditory awareness and understanding of chords and basic harmonies.
When discussing, attacking and fading, timbre, equal tone, pronunciation, duration 8, use the keyboard to demonstrate the sound of the music.
The keyboard enables students with a wide range of abilities to form a standard that is considered impossible until they introduce it.
Use the recording function (If any)
In this way, students can immediately listen back to the composition and performance for evaluation.
Introduce the basic knowledge of playing the keyboard correctly (
Correct hand position and finger method).
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