change the way we elect the president - touch screen head unit-ITATOUCH-img

change the way we elect the president? - touch screen head unit

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-05
change the way we elect the president?  -  touch screen head unit
Click the play button to see what Jack said to our audience. (
Photo Credit: AP Photo)
CNN reporter Jack Cafferty reports: a record turnout is expected today, and voters will queue up to elect a new president, 35 new senators and 435 congress.
For some, voting today means waiting long lines, sometimes in cold and humid weather.
Today, at some polling stations in Virginia and North Carolina, wet votes are actually the cause of the delay.
For others, voting means handling votes that are not open on time. -
Have you been strolling around some areas this day?
Or the voting machine is broken or faulty.
At least three constituencies in Kansas City received the wrong register.
New ones must be printed and lined up there.
Some get votes ahead of time-more than 30 states allow voters to vote by mail or by vote before election day.
There is an estimate
Third, all voters have taken advantage of this, but the process is not completely seamless either.
Look: Cafferty: change?
Two recent presidential elections have been controversial.
In 2000, the Supreme Court actually appointed our president, and in 2004, there was a strong suspicion that some voting machines had been tampered with and affected the results of the election.
Many Americans also do not believe that the result of this election is legal.
My question is: how will you change the way we elect the president?
Interested to know which ones are made in the air?
There are a lot of things that need to be addressed: campaign money, useless debates, campaign time, the date we voted, the Electoral College, Sarah wrote. . .
The list continues.
The most important thing is to solve the confusion of the actual polling station.
All other major democracies in the world have a unified voting system and have the ability to get all voters through the vote.
Why can't we?
Susan, from Bollinbrook, Illinois, wrote: voting should take place over the weekend, using an electronic scan for a quick count, and recounting tickets using paper receipts.
Matt of Rockford, Illinois wrote: Shorten the campaign cycle, and the federal government funds the campaign with private or corporate donations so that all candidates have the same campaign funds and with the issues discussed, instead of a fluffy cliché for real debate.
Holly wrote: I can trade online at online banking, tax return online, shop online-all safe-but people have to queue up for hours to vote in federal elections
Let me have a rest!
If four years after the last election fiasco, we can't even come together and build a safe and effective way to vote, then I have no confidence that we can turn the economy around.
Jim from Reno, Nevada, wrote: What bothers me most about our election is the negative campaign: lies, distortions, and pure dirt.
To be honest, I don't know how to get rid of this crap in our elections and keep political rhetoric on a lofty and dignified level, but it will be the change I want to see the most.
Paul from Columbia, South Carolina wrote: I want to see the duel return.
No more narrative.
Jack, if there is one thing that needs to be federalized in this country, that is voting, I will have every state using the same voting machine method, with receipts, full time staff at the time of voting, to ensure the machine works and counts properly.
Each county must be staffed according to the population, adequate machines and backups.
It's not rocket science, it's just common sense.
40 years ago, if we could send a man to the moon, why can't we make voting a top priority?
Jack: there are early votes in every state in the United States;
When a person registers a vote, process the ID card so that they can vote at any polling station in Dingxian;
And allow people to register at polling stations on election day with valid ID cards.
This can be done by computers and elected officials who want to see it done.
Johnalabamaget in addition to Electoral College. . . .
What happens if Obama wins off the Coast and Midwest but doesn't hold on to Pennsylvania and loses a hair in the state that voted for Bush on 2004?
Obama is likely to win a popular vote,
3 or even 5 million votes)
But McCain won the electoral college election.
How does the United States promote freedom and democracy at the international level, but two of our last three preselections have been won by the least-voted People? Yes Jack!
I think you should take over that day once you are elected.
There should not be a lame duck waiting period for the 100 days.
When the president goes out there is no reason to have the power to sign defense contracts and relax the rules of control.
I think we need a thorough restructuring of the system so it's much easier to vote.
People should not make a choice between work and putting food on a family table or queuing for 4 hours.
I'm going to suck these two. party system.
People like me who are more in the middle or "Central" have no say on either side.
Both Democrats and Republicans have moved to their polar bases, leaving 60 to 70% of the country in the middle with no say.
I will have an inclusive primary stage where the top 3 or 4 ticket winners will ping up during this time period --
Lost in the election.
I think the whole election process is very exciting.
But I believe my family wants it to be a little shorter.
I have been very engaged for the past 6 months.
Don't miss hours or more.
About 18 months.
Hi Jack, first of all we should get the negative people out of the process, change the money control, both should cost only one dollar, then there are early votes everywhere, and finally, the night of the vote, both candidates are in the same place.
Vote for Bay pine! !
Let the voice of the masses be heard.
Why is it much smaller?
Knoxville, TNWe is much smarter than the old fart people who appeared in the Electoral College centuries ago.
Give us the right to choose the president-it's true!
First of all, we should choose the president and the vice president according to their wisdom.
This means that our presidential and vice presidential candidates are well educated in general.
Palin taught us how dangerous it is to have educated people in top positions.
I have never seen such an uneducated, ignorant and incompetent person seek a higher position.
We should also set an age limit for the president. for example, after the age of 65, candidates can no longer run.
After all, one can run at a minimum age.
McCain is just an old, cool-headed old school man who will not change over time.
It's nothing for him personally, but that's what he is.
Palin is the most terrible.
Fix how much each activity can cost and make it faster! ! ! !
Your process is too long! !
We ran the campaign and completed the above task within 6 weeks.
Our election is in October 14!
Perhaps long before the election, the United States should also consider the election of leaders of each party.
Those primaries will go on forever!
Hi Jack, I would like to see an early vote in every state and go to a voting machine with the same paper record.
Maybe we can have an honest election.
I think we should pay more attention on the voting day.
Declared national holiday.
Every 1000 registered voters are required to have constituencies in order to eliminate the long wait that took place in our population center.
Not very well thought.
Everyone does your duty.
From the winning candidate in each party's primary election to a farm in Iowa.
Let everyone get the hay bail and the longest Hay straw wins. DONE.
Elect him like we elect the prime minister! ! ! !
I think the role of the electoral college is out of date.
I also believe that the campaign for the primary election should be limited to three months, and the campaign for the general election should be limited to three months.
Also, in the event that external advertising is not allowed, the same amount of money should be given to both candid people.
First, direct elections make sense.
The electoral college made sense before the advent of instant messaging technology, but now it's just awkward and complicated.
Second, presidential elections are disruptive, so it makes sense to reduce the frequency of elections.
Perhaps the president's second term should be a referendum, not an election.
So, shortly after the third anniversary of the president's inauguration, we will vote on whether we want the president to be re-elected for another four years.
If we vote in favor, there will be no elections in November and the current president will be re-elected.
If we vote against it, elections will be held and the current president will not be allowed to run.
I have voted for more than 40 years and during that time I have not seen any issues or controversial results other than mandatory recount, and I can't help but wonder if the U. S.
Copying our system of voting with paper and pencils, and the increasing number of polling stations to accommodate voters, things will go much more smoothly.
Then after getting a system, everyone has a chance to vote without being suppressed by a lot of queues, etc.
Perhaps abolishing the electoral system, it may be wise to elect candidates with the largest number of votes in the country.
Why did Jack change?
In 230, it worked very well.
All we need to do is get people in Florida to figure out how to do the election.
Now Jeb and W are gone, maybe they can do it well this time.
If it were not the electoral college, but the referendum, we would have let Gore replace Bush.
A primary campaign of up to 3 months and then a campaign of up to 3 months.
Why drag this out?
Think about how much less attacks we will have.
The Electoral College is out of date.
We need to build our leaders on a real popular vote.
CrystalGreen Bay, WINumber one, limited the activity season to 180 days during the period!
Second, get rid of early voting and return to absentee voting for reasons.
Make Election Day a national holiday or make it a weekend.
But in any case, stop this crazy vote a few weeks in advance.
Third, cancel the registration/vote on the same day.
It's just pure fraud.
Finally, the application for candidates and supporting documents are required to be placed in the public domain.
It's not as civilized as the purple fingers in Iraq!
It's the 21 st century of America. what a joke.
In this high-tech world, the defeated voting machine, chads, the long team? Ridiculous!
I will make some changes: public financing is a requirement, not an option, but the period it covers will start on the same date for all parties (e. g.
At the end of the last meeting)
Not at the end of each party's assembly.
I will ban all 527 committees from advertising.
I would ban the role of contributing the "integrator.
These are all wealthy people who list many others who they claim have merged their contributions, exceeding the $2300 contribution limit.
All contributions must be made directly to the candidate fund.
I will ask all voting machines to create paper records that are manually auditable.
All computer-driven machines require "open source" programs and are tested by independent laboratories.
I think we should review the university.
Maybe it's time for us to get a majority?
The length of the campaign should be shortened to a maximum of one year, and the money spent on the campaign should also be limited, no matter what is more important than this, it must be determined that the election form.
It is embarrassing to think that the greatest and richest countries on Earth cannot hold elections because of a computer failure and that the number of elections does not have any integrity.
Do we have to get observers from third world countries to make sure the count is going on the board?
Jack, every state should adopt the early voting model of Nevada and bring the election process of our country into the 21 st century.
The whole event-major and general-cannot be more than 1 year.
PACS is not allowed for good or bad.
Any television or radio station with an FCC license will be ordered to provide candidates with a certain amount of political advertising time for free.
As Obama did, the campaign should be funded mainly by small donors.
Government funds are used to supervise elections and to ensure that there are no instances where voter rights are denied or votes are stolen directly.
The government must be able to use voting machines, and the software cannot be proprietary.
All machines must present a receipt, which can be deposited in the ballot box if a recount is required.
Paper ballot papers should be encouraged. Mail-
Votes with receipts should be an option.
If there is a line in place at the end of the vote, the polling station must remain open until each vote is voted. Jack;
I think the same voting equipment and method should be used in every state.
Equipment and methods shall be authorized by the federal government.
States should be held accountable to ensure that the equipment is in good order and that its staff are fully trained.
Costs will be a problem, but will be offset in some way by taxes paid for the thousands of new jobs that will be created.
London, Ontario, Canada.
It's just a beginning. . . . .
One month after the election, public financing, limited campaign season, General Mail of paper ballot papers, no TV commercials and advertisements.
Our current system is old, corrupt and ridiculously complex.
Now is the time for US elections to adopt a system that supports great democracy.
By mass voting, do it like most people in the world.
50% + 1, get rid of this shameful electoral college crap.
Any system that overthrows a mass vote with some questionable accounting procedures is unfair.
Time has passed and it's time to change that. First off . . .
I will make it "illegal" to launch a campaign more than six months before the election date "(
Also makes it illegal for any network to discuss it six months ago).
Second, my result should be based on direct referendum, not the nonsense of the Electoral College.
Finally, I will find a way to secure encryption to get citizens to vote directly from home or office via computer or phone.
Before Election Day, ballot papers are provided by mail and pick-up, and then only votes need to be dropped and I checked. D.
This will reduce a lot of time as it can be done at any polling station, Secretary of State or clerk's office.
In addition, in order to reduce differences and rhetoric and increase bipartisan cooperation, how do those who choose to run for president understand that losers will automatically become vice presidentspresident.
I know it's not an easy thing to do, but I would like to see the removal of the Electoral College.
It's an outdated system that makes people feel like their votes don't count.
For example, my state is a red state, so voting for Obama is only a matter of voting for the public, and the public vote does not necessarily make him elected. Like the cough we saw before.
Because every vote has the same weight, so the people in the Straits vote will let more people vote.
Every vote.
I know that the removal of Electoral College is essentially a denial of power from the States, but I think that national elections should reflect the opinions of the people as a country rather than a region.
Jayoklaoma city limited the time for the campaign to six months before the election.
Use mass voting. . . Point Blank!
Jack, given the possibility of mischief and voter fraud, I will revert the presidential/vice president election to a paper vote.
And, out of interest in the election, I will add another day of voting.
Why not Monday and Tuesday?
Vote at poplur.
There are no electoral votes, and the elections are based on the votes, not the Electoral College.
Jack, I hope you have the opportunity to read this: true proportional representation is not possible in the United States, because every election will be decided by New York/California or Florida/Texas, ignore the center
The best change I can think of is to hold candidates accountable for their campaigns and attacks.
Building a federal, non-
Party committees that operate like Factcheck.
Organization, to moderate the campaign by punishing untrue or misleading statements and attacks with shortcomings, strikes or embarrassment.
If candidate A lied about the impact of Candidate B's tax plan, he would lose 500 votes.
Alternatively, if Candidate B suggests that candidate A is A terrorist, he will be subject to A Public Whip flo.
The current US electoral system does not have an accountability system, and this election cycle shows how this can be used in the ugliest way possible.
It seems to the world that this is a shame for the United States, and as Sarah Palin has shown, it can incite anger by playing with people's prejudices and fears.
Because of this campaign, there will always be some people who think Obama is a terrorist;
Such a thing is not good for this country.
In this age of technology and information awareness, we should turn to simple mass voting.
This will effectively make someone in Texas vote equal to the vote in California.
Maine voted for the same people as Mississippi.
This will make it necessary for candidates to implement a complete 50 state strategy and to help voters understand the situation.
I'm going to take all the elections back to the state.
I will encourage Mail
Voting is the criterion.
Without a campaign or fundraising campaign, my presidency will be limited to six years.
Too much time to worry about next semester.
Comment: fairness and balance as voters?
"I know the British came to the United States to escape the monarchy, but I prefer the British electoral system.
Choose a party and let them choose leadership.
Throw them out if they don't perform.
If the leader does not do his or her job, drive them away.
This election system is common in the United States.
Regardless of the outcome of this election, it is time to change.
First of all, I will make sure there are a lot of voting machines with paper marks.
Another thing that Manitoba voted early in each state.
Finally, to make sure everyone has a chance to vote, I will make the voting day a holiday.
There is more negligence in counting votes for independents or parties.
Voting should be the same as the voting standards of the states.
Federalisation of the voting process.
Roughly speaking, what about the CV/proposal that voted for the candidate to submit, we voted for the CV/proposal, no matter who the person is or who it looks like.
He/she then has two years to complete half of the commitments outlined in the proposal.
We fired him/her rear as he/she did not achieve the corresponding achievement in both aspectsyear mark.
After all, isn't that how I applied for work with you?
I will make sure that every state has the same type of voting machine with a paper track.
If we have to change it, I see the system they use in Oregon and allow early voting in all 50 states.
This could make the election more smooth and allow people to spend less time waiting long lines.
Jack, I would like to see the removal of the electoral college, but in order to use the referendum, significant changes must be made to the current system. 1.
No candidate will get a $1 tax.
Let them raise their own money. 2.
I would also like to see a referendum on the electoral college. 3.
There are limited primary and election seasons. 4.
A candidate who takes the high road tells us what he or she will do, not what their opponents will not do.
Please use simple English instead of political language! ! 5.
Secure email or web-based voting in a few days. 6.
The extension of the list of non-names includes politicians.
I didn't vote for Chris Smith in New Jersey because I got 3 of his bot calls in the last 72 hours! ! !
Hi Jack, I think the way they are elected is good.
What I am concerned about is the quality of the person nominated.
Why do you need more certificates to be a bus driver, a school teacher, or even (heaven forbid! )
Is a plumber running for president?
Of course, it's time to change.
I prefer the first weekend in November.
Set aside time for voting
Why not make it easier for those who have to work?
Electoral College can also be canceled.
First of all, I set Election Day as National Day.
People have to wait in line for hours to vote and have to go to work or school on the same day, which is ridiculous and could lose money or miss classes.
Second, I threw away all the electronic voting machines and only used paper votes.
Third, I will have the president elected by the people instead of the Electoral College.
If we could send robots to Mars
Go to the moon seven times and return;
We should be able to develop a voting procedure and mechanism to make voting a pleasant right and privilege, and a right and privilege to fail --
Stay away from corruption and fraud. . . .
Is this possible? . .
If we fail
Security nuclear weapons for destruction. . .
Our dam is bound to fail.
Voting machine for peace and security.
Jack-the electoral college needs to go-let's elect our president by referendum.
Second, I would like to see the presidential campaign limited to one calendar year.
The game is too long.
Third, the funding for public elections will be canceled to allow candidates to raise funds from private channels. Troy, Ohio1.
Electoral votes are divided according to congressional constituencies, so a state does not have all electoral votes for a presidential candidate.
I'm an independent, leaning towards Democrats, living in a conservative state, and I'm tired of not counting my votes. 2.
Limit the campaign to one year. 3.
Return the vote to paper.
Why can't other states in our country pass the "mail vote" procedure like Oregon does? Its so easy!
You sit at the kitchen table in your pajamas and take the time to read the nominees and measures and vote! .
Cover the stamp for 42 cents and give it back to the amazing mail lady that brought you!
There you have voted and are still in your pajamas!
Who will go first? FLORIDA!
Take the winning candidate from each party's primary election to a farm in Iowa.
Let everyone get the hay bail and the longest Hay straw wins. DONE.
The only thing I want to change is to shorten it by at least a year or so.
I am surprised that the candidate has not suffered some serious illness for a long time
They have been under pressure for a long time.
I am particularly worried about Barack Obama, who looks tired and, of course, sad to lose his grandmother.
Hopefully a big win tonight will make him feel much better-that's what I pray.
Congress needs to pass a comprehensive voting bill that provides for the type of voting machines used in all states, as well as uniform electoral laws applicable to all states.
The Constitution guarantees the right to vote and count votes.
This is a fundamental right that should be protected by federal laws and regulations and should not be "two-
State and local politicians.
Boblouisville, KyGet got out of the election vote. . . . . . . .
It's really simple.
The popular vote should decide who will become president.
Jack, how about all potential interested presidential candidates taking a written test similar to the college entrance examination, getting two highest points from each side and playing rock games? paper-
Decide which is the scissors of the president or their party v/p.
By throwing a coin to decide the final winner, we won't do much worse than we did in the last 8 years.
When I was in the fifth grade, my social studies teacher explained how the Electoral College worked, and I asked him, "If a person gets more actual votes than the person who gets the most votes, what happens? ".
"This is impossible," he replied ". Well, it did (
In fact, it has happened several times).
The Electoral College is essential in a one-day round-trip vote.
Today, our country is smaller.
We can handle the logistics of people voting all over the country (
No, really, we can.
But the party will never allow this to happen.
I would like to see us implement a national voting procedure-whether it's an optical scan, a touch screen or a bingo chip-and seriously consider voting for two or three days nationwide.
I think if people know they have more time to vote, we will see a higher turnout.
I was initially skeptical about early voting, but it seems to work.
Let's do it nationwide next time!
I will change this process in order to directly elect the office of the president and vice president.
Many states are set up to directly elect governors and deputy governors.
Sometimes they come from the same party, but sometimes they may come from different parties.
However, they work together.
At least when something happens to the governor, people know that the next person to take over is the one they elect themselves. . .
It's not the people they're stuck with, it's part of the "this and that" system we have now.
RolandSt George, limiting the campaign to 12 months, is laborious and expensive.
There are general paper ballot papers and additional polling stations in each state, which will help to eliminate the problem of machine failure and reduce the waiting time for voting.
3 hours extension of voting deadline.
The Electoral College has lost its usefulness.
Our communication in this country is not needed.
We should vote by popular vote.
At least my vote in Alabama will count.
I'm tired of keeping blue in a bloody red state.
Jack, limit the time of the campaign.
There is an American voter service agency that oversees and manages all voter requirements and registrations in order to apply the same rules, regulations and methods nationwide.
The way everyone records votes is the same.
There is a national voter bank that lets them process and validate each voter and issue a scanned photo ID card for each voter.
Across the country, all votes are open and closed at the same time as time zones are adjusted.
Wishful thinking
Fogo Augustine is mailed with paper ballot papers across the country.
In triplicate, so two can be calculated with a separate group, and the third can be calculated with a machine.
There are different differences in selection, storytelling and correction.
So that the two sides can reconcile their differences.
In addition, the electoral voting system was abolished and conducted in strict accordance with the way the people voted.
The election is decided by any county or state;
It should be the whole land.
This is true democracy.
This is not a good idea.
We can cancel the Electoral College if I can.
Even if there is a reasonable reason in the beginning, in today's world, it is no longer meaningful.
If we can't change the electoral college then maybe we can come up with some formula that takes into account both the winner of a state and the percentage of his or her winning.
Here, for example, is a possible way to do it.
The number of election votes multiplied by the percentage of wins.
So if both states have 20 electoral votes, but candidate A wins state A with 55%, Candidate B wins state B with 60%, and then state A generates 11 points for Candidate, state B generates 12 points for Candidate B.
Jack, the referendum, the referendum, only the referendum!
While we will make changes, let's get rid of all the members of Congress and let the Senate vote only for each state, no matter what the population, for only one state.
This will reduce pork by at least 50%.
Also, why not change the vote to the first weekend of November, starting at five o'clock P. M. on Friday night and ending at eight o'clock P. M. on Sunday, it will be a longer vote and the referendum will only win.
First: find some ways to shorten the campaign phase to a few months.
The situation now is that the 2012 campaign will probably start tomorrow!
Second: at some point in June, there was a national primary day.
There is no reason to have dozens of different main dates, which helps string this out.
Three: There is no media to recruit, push our nominees! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I don't know how this will happen, but certainly not in the past.
Discontent with this incident is another reason why I finally voted for McCain.
4. consider canceling the Electoral College and allowing people to vote for the president.
This will cause the campaign to spread across a large population of most states, not just the usual battlefield.
None of these suggestions will happen, of course, but it is useful to list them.
The tradition of the November 4 s dates back to the agricultural era of the past. . . -
Voting all weekend in early November-
Standardized voting machines and votes
Shortening the election cycle requires a certain amount of debate
Monitoring and stopping vicious attack ads, asking for "truth in ads "-
Allow mail voting, especially for the elderly and disabled
According to demographic changes, electoral votes are canceled every 4 years or the electoral votes are re-valued by state. -
It is not enough to encourage and help more political parties. -
If the winner of the referendum is not the winner of the election vote, then "run" is enforced ".
Just find a way to make it shorter-too much drama for too long!
I will have a long political holiday after this election.
Jack: why is it so important that everyone has only one day of voting time?
Why not extend the voting period by two days and hold a vote on Saturday and Sunday.
We are always in a hurry to judge. . .
In the end, we got what we deserved and got elected.
I think we should cancel the Electoral College.
For now, it is likely that you will call the game before eleven o'clock P. M. .
While voting in Hawaii is still underway
Why did they bother to vote?
The electoral college is really a good idea at 1778.
There are 13 states, all on the East Coast, and it takes 1/2 days to travel 100 miles.
But electronic communications are now traveling at the speed of nanoseconds.
It's time to deliver on America's Promise. every vote is important.
Even those who are not in EST
ZivMonaca PAFirst, I think we should cancel the electoral college and build the winner on the basis of the referendum.
Second, we need to change the votes to all the paper and pencils, as we did in Idaho this year.
Third, the election season needs to be greatly shortened and campaign funding should be closely watched.
Fourth, we need to put two
There are only candidates for the party system.
And finally, the most distant
The far-fetched idea of making a rule prohibiting candidates from mentioning their opponents (s)
Apart from giving the American people a better understanding of what each candidate represents in the debate, rather than what they don't like about their opponents. My point is,1)
Shorten the activity time to a maximum of three months ,(2)
Limit the amount of each expense to $10 million {
The current amount is disgusting}, (3)
Give each candidate 30 minutes.
During the week before the voting day, five major TV channels ,(4)
Three television debates for each position, and (5)
Get rid of those stupid elections and have a fair and popular majority.
I am American. K.
The main reason I applied for American citizenship was to be able to vote. 1.
I will amend the law to solve the problem of voter suppression.
I need a document record that can be audited.
To my surprise, the bank can capture the transaction accurately, but we can't review our vo3.
I will ask all counties to vote in advance and set Election Day as a holiday.
I would like to know how well the counties are prepared to handle record voter numbers. 5.
I want to be responsible for most of the above and only the marbles in red and blue will be able to take part in the presidential election, which is better than what we are now.
Computerized social security or voter card used by ATM
Install the machine in the central location of each county for a week until election day.
A list of eligible voters is not cleared.
No electoral college.
I can continue.
Can we get it done?
I think it's important.
But not possible)
There is a general election process that includes giving you a print
In your voting options, bar codes are also included so that if there is any difference in your voting area, it can be pulled up in the system.
I'm sure it's going to run into a lot of big brother conspiracy theories, but it's good to know if my vote is trackable.
Dear Jack, I will be happy if we go back to the referendum.
After the election, we can always hear the results of the popular vote.
I think we should vote for one person.
Think about it, this is the most fair way to do it.
Also, when we are online, online banking has proved to be very safe and I hope to have the option to vote online like my bank.
Even after the election, I was able to go online to make sure my vote was indeed counted to see how the vote went stinking dead
Only in this era of information highways make sense.
Write your representative!
Tim floridage at Vero Beach got rid of the Electoral College! !
Only then will the will of all people be heard.
The last presidential election our electoral votes were voted for Bush and Cheney before the votes were counted.
I complained at the time that when I called to congratulate our governor on supporting Obama this year, I reminded the State Council again.
Voting should last for a week and we can vote at both our local mall and grocery store.
Everyone in this country should get their voter ID and be able to show their ID and vote anywhere in the United States.
The winner should be chosen by the majority of voters, not the Electoral College.
Of course, the greatest country on earth can develop an honest and efficient proof of cheating, voting system.
One person, one winner! ! ! !
Yes, what needs to be done when spending billions of dollars lobbying for executive positions;
But I think there are more pressing issues.
Perhaps Obama and Democrats will choose to address the issue in the next cycle.
JackToledo, Ohio, believes that we should choose our president based on their brain scans.
This will prevent us from choosing a "smelly guy" like Bush, because it's clear that his brain doesn't work at all.
I think in a society where people can now move from state to make their votes more important, it's time to get rid of the Electoral College.
Let the majority vote.
I think that if it happens again that the incumbent is not the person the people really choose, it will hit the morale of the country.
There are only two or up to three names on a piece of paper, and there is a large box next to the person's name to Mark X.
There are no three, four or five pages.
Select the most important work in our country in a simple way, and then vote separately on all the other things.
And vote early on all of these "us.
Voting should be as mandatory as tax returns and should be a national holiday. .
I will do IQ tests so that no more idiots will be the commander-in-chief of the largest army on Earth.
Got rid of the Electoral College.
Let everyone who wants to vote and has a paper record, who votes the most, become the next president.
Primary and general elections should be based on popular voting [
Anyone over the age of 18, regardless of status, should be able to vote.
i like the put-the-thumb-in-
Ink technology.
Everyone should receive a "certified" receipt.
Jack, we need to spend some money on a voting system that is consistent across all 50 states.
Provide paper records.
If Diebold can make ATM machines, etc.
Every time you get $20, you will be given a receipt.
From the bank, of course we can entrust them (
Or some tech company)
Make voting machines that can do the same thing.
Metis, Atlanta-I agree with most of what people have replied in this blog to get rid of the election.
It should be decided by the vote of most people.
Also, when each canidate wins a particular state, he gets an election, isn't that a decision?
The same rules should apply to the whole country.
DanielSomeone really needs to find a way to shorten the whole process.
It looks like it has been going on for many years!
Most importantly, I feel that if everyone in this country votes by mail
Like me, there will be no tactics of voter fraud and intimidation that are happening now in the polls.
For those who don't know what they're talking about for half the time, don't queue up or confuse the direction!
Shorten the activity cycle.
Now, all it does is stir up the anger and hatred that the country was filled with at the beginning of half of its current presidency.
I will change the main process so that everyone can vote for four Super Tuesday votes.
The order in which states vote is determined by the draw.
Whoever gets the most votes nationwide will become the party's presidential candidate.
The winner will then choose their deputy.
Presidential running mate
Finally, I either cancel the party completely or have a party on Halloween.
Of course I hope we can change the process!
We don't need 21 months to decide, anyone who is eligible can come up with a plan of their qualifications and what their records show, should be able to reach voters over the Internet and television within a monthv. access. !
Save us all from constant slander and insults.
Their records should represent themselves.
If we could rely on an honest count, it would make more sense to vote in the public, far from the Electoral College.
We all have votes in Oregon.
It's not that some of these votes may be "lost", but at least it gives us a feeling of counting votes.
Anita, Oregon Jack, I will make some changes.
Most importantly, it was canceled in the Electoral College.
This is an eccentric idea, and its times have passed.
The person with the most votes wins. . .
This will make the election more fair and force candidates to run in 12 or more "swing" states.
I will also limit the time for the campaign, starting on January 1 of the election year, not the day before.
Third, I will have public money managed and any candidate who wants to vote will be forced to get public money instead of a dime of private money.
Similarly, there is no campaign for other organizations except the candidates, no PACs, and no national committee running ads.
Before each election, I will appoint a group of 5 people who will be given the task of evaluating each commercial advertisement from the candidate to ensure accuracy if the commercial advertisement is considered inaccurate
Finally, I will hold elections on the weekend of 3 days.
Saturday to Monday is National Day.
There is no reason to queue up for hours and vote with all our existing technologies.
If we can make internet transactions safe and fraudulent
We can vote, too.
The electoral college must go.
If your vote rate is 300,000 higher than other candidates, you should win the election.
It should be the majority rule, not the "majority" rule.
I think it would be beneficial to increase the size of the Electoral College.
I don't think it's enough for a million people to represent only one vote, but elsewhere, the same election vote could represent nearly half a million people.
I think this change may make it harder for candidates to win a popular vote, but it will lose the Electoral College.
I also think it would be interesting to vote directly.
For example, if a citizen has a certain understanding of the incident, then you can vote directly, but it creates a variety of problems.
So it's really impossible.
I would like to see only one month's primary campaign, and then two months of general election campaign, including more debate, where we can see and hear the real ideas of the candidates.
Restrictions on the number of TV/radio ads.
Then, with all the percentages open, we use the standard (whole country )
Paper ballot papers that can be reviewed if needed.
-Regional primary two weeks apart
-Federal agencies that manage elections in order to provide a unified guide to national registration and identification in voting. – Ban e-Voting machine.
Paper-only votes.
Mark it with a pencil without punching in.
-Election on Saturday or Sunday
Or set Election Day as National Day.
-Full disclosure of donations for all activities, large and small. Change nothing!
The founding fathers are much smarter than anyone we have today.
Elections were held through a referendum and the campaign was reduced to 90 days.
Of course, I live in a different world and still believe in the Easter Bunny.
Jack, they told us that every vote is important and the best way to support this statement is to allow us to elect the president through a referendum. C. I.
, New York because there is no machine or computer that can't be hacked or programmed to cheat, so I would suggest paper and pencil, then the worst thing is probably the lead in the pencil so you can sharpen it with a pencil.
Then, if you spend all the money saved by not buying a voting machine on more polling stations so that everyone can vote within a reasonable time frame, it might work.
All of this, of course, requires federal law.
Review and possibly cancel the electoral college system.
When President Bush learned that he failed in the election but still won, he was actually gloating.
He must have felt that he was a thief who was not bound by law.
In addition, voter fraud and intimidation (robo-calls, etc. )
It should be illegal.
Of course, we have freedom of speech, but it is unpatriotic and not American to try to deceive voters and not let them vote for your candidate, and of course, the Republican Party is also a sponsor of this robot.
The phone should know.
We need to move to two rounds of national elections.
Every candidate who can qualify across the country has entered the first round.
There were at least three debates in this vote, and everyone took part.
Vote on the first weekend of September.
From the first turn to the second round, the top two ranked again regardless of party.
At least three debates include the two.
Vote on the first weekend of November.
There is still more work to be done in terms of campaign financing, but at least two rounds of decisive wins will give third parties a chance on the national stage.
Canceled in the Electoral College.
It is outdated and no longer represents the will of the people, but only those trained to manipulate the results of the elections.
For God's sake, give more credit to American voters.
Now is the time for Congress to get back to work, and changes should be made to buildings that have been out of date for hundreds of years.
The rest of the world believes that elections have been confirmed, to a certain extent.
Since 2000 and 2004, most Americans have questions about the system.
With this record broken, let's hope it doesn't happen again.
From a registered Republican who voted for change with Obama on the absent ballotJack, I think the Electoral College has exceeded its original purpose.
If it cannot be completely eliminated, at least only the percentage of voter votes with the same percentage as the popular percentage is calculated.
It will be more fair.
I would also like to see candidates be restricted because the most money invested in TV commercials usually wins.
Obama's campaign cost $70. what can we do about our economy?
I think every state should mail the ballot papers to registered voters three weeks before the election.
Voters should mail the postmarked ballot papers one week before the official election date, so that each vote is received and counted on election day.
If there is a dispute, the vote will remain for some time after the election.
This method will save energy, save time, save the cost of voting machines, ensure better turnout and create paper tracks if any problems arise.
If the United States graduates from an electoral college, the only option is majoity.
This will make ally the camp stupid.
It will only make states with the largest number of people the only participants.
Why give up all these political dramas when choices can be made that do not reflect the common will of the people.
Jack, the basic way of America. S.
The election of President needs change.
In the 2000 election, for example, the elected president did not change the will of the people. e. (
Popular votes). The U. S.
The so-called democracy is totally hypocritical.
Your national election is a joke for the rest of the world.
I think there are several areas that need to be changed in terms of the presidential/vice presidential elections.
I think we should abolish the Electoral College and have a national time frame where people can vote before election day and use the same voting method across the country, and there are verifiable paper records with at least two days of election time so people can vote within two days.
Last but not least, shorten the primary season. Good grief!
I'm tired of going to the Christmas store.
LacyPaducah, KYWhat security measures are taken to ensure that the vote has not been tampered?
I think voting should be strictly paper voting and can scan statistics but not connect to software that can be changed.
I also think we should cancel the election. . . . . .
The vote should be held from Friday to Sunday. . . . . . . .
A three-day event, then the vote will not be so rushed.
Also, I feel like everyone should vote through the same procedureS.
Primary elections should be held on the same day.
Angela Kansas, the candidate who won the vote, won, Jack, which is no more simple.
The first thing I have to do is to set up a register of voters for all.
You will register automatically when you are 18 years old.
Second, I will announce that all political committees that remove dirt are illegal.
Third, the date and time of early voting in all states are the same.
Finally, the election was announced for no more than six months.
I am a registered Republican and live in Norway.
Set legal limits on the amount each candidate can spend.
The electoral college was canceled and voted by the people of the whole country.
All contributions must be traceable.
Remove all red and blue state diagrams from the media and replace them with pink and purple.
Election week, not election day.
The employer is required to provide a break for the employee to vote without a penalty.
There should be no personnel problems during the whole week of work.
Nationalize the voting system. e.
States, counties and districts use the same method.
Voting requires a valid ID card, not just the voter registration card.
Voter registration is conducted at all DMV, DHS, Social Security offices, and even post offices. . .
They already have passports. why not register voters? And lastly. . . . .
Let's go to the referendum.
Let everyone's vote count.
Cancel the electoral votes, fix the voting machines so they can work and have a paper record!
Voting should take place over the weekend, use an electronic scan for a quick count, and re-count the ticket using paper receipts.
I think it's time to cancel the Electoral College!
A few centuries ago, the system was good for the land Squire, and supporters said that maintaining the votes of the poor was essential to prevent the establishment of a socialist or communist society. Gimme a break!
Of course, we have now passed and should support the integrity of "one person, one vote.
I also think the Democratic Super representative and the winnertake-
All Republican policies in the primary should be abolished.
Vote by people, so the vote will be counted.
Cut the campaign to six months.
Before the next election, Jack, I think that some new legislation should be proposed through the House and the Senate.
Of course, and vote on the changes made to make the election campaign fair and understandable to all citizens of the United States.
I vote for the people.
To give a simple example: most people win when students vote for their high school prom kings and prom queens!
If the vote is decided by the principal, the principal of the school, or any other staff member, then why do students have to vote?
Give strength to the people, let our voice be heard!
Early voting is unfair and inconsistent.
If we can't cope with the crowd, maybe it's two days since the vote started.
Before Air Mail, the Internet, and television, the Electoral College may be the way our ancestors were, but it is not the will of the people either.
Now is the time to try the referendum.
I think the Electoral College is out of date.
As a Democrat in a "red" state, I don't think it's fair that my vote doesn't count.
I voted because I wanted people to know we were here.
We should elect the president as we elect senators, governors, etc.
With all the technology available today, we should be able to come up with a better system.
I think if we get rid of a different political party system and select the people who are most qualified to serve, it will reduce a lot of nonsense.
In addition, we should reduce the time for the candidate's office (
2 months from primary school;
2 to 3 months of election time).
This is enough time to express their views to this country and enough time to spend a small amount of money trying to buy votes!
I also feel that we should give up the Electoral College and the people's vote should prevail.
After the election, the winning candidate shall take office immediately.
Why wait, when this person is really going to mess up the country when he leaves the office.
To reduce voter fraud, no one should be able to register without providing a copy of their photo I. D.
They have to show the same identification when they go to vote.
Also, why not have more polling stations and more machines so that the queue time is not that long.
Why is all this so important?
By law, limit the campaign to October, so that we don't influence reason because of endless lies and crazy money spent on a thankless job. PS. YES. . . . . . . .
The Electoral College should be canceled!
All countries are encouraged to vote in advance.
Abolish this electoral college that should have been abolished many years ago.
The fear that a candidate won millions of votes but lost the election because the electoral college supported only a few million votes for another candidate, more than 270, was pale.
This is our election and the most popular people should be declared the winner.
Jack, first of all, in the primary election, the most-voted candidate from all parties will become the presidential candidate of all parties, and the second-largest number of his/her campaign partners.
In an appropriate election, the candidate with the most votes will be the president --
President-elect and vice president of his running mateElect.
Delegates and Electoral College who forget their promises
Let the voice of the people be heard!
Well, Jack, you can get every citizen to vote and then count every vote honestly.
This may not excite the news media, but the public may appreciate it more.
There is no state primary-an election first narrowed the candidate to the top three.
Choose the winner next.
Need to win a 50% majority.
I think voting should be as mandatory as tax returns. .
We should elect our president through their educational skills and communication skills, because having Bush for eight years is a complete process, and this time if McCain joins, we will have another process for four years. .
I will take advantage of opportunities like McDonald's Monopoly games.
I will have 8 winners who will compete with each other in activities involving mental flexibility and physical skills.
The winner will be allowed to manage the United States in any way they see fit (
This is from the Bush administration. )
Until that wonderful day-two Big Mac, a four-cent coin with cheese, big fries and a chocolate shake!
Jack, we can start with the constitution. the people who get the most votes in the Constitution are the president.
The second place is the vice president.
This will definitely get rid of the need for "party affiliation.
Then-before you become a candidate or even vote-there should be a test to make sure you are not a dweeb.
Do you think people know that there were seven presidents before Washington?
John Hansen was the first one to give us Thanksgiving! )?
Most obviously, of course, one vote equals one.
There are many things that need to be addressed-campaign money, useless debates, campaign time, the date we voted, the Electoral College. . .
The list continues.
The most important thing is to solve the confusion of the actual polling station.
All the other major democracies in the world have a unified voting system and the ability to get all voters through it-why can't we?
It is most important for me to elect a wise, temperamental, visionary person to restore our pride and confidence in the president and the country.
That's why I voted for Barack Obama today!
I am very happy to think that in just a few hours we can officially get rid of the incompetence and shame of the past eight years.
We're done anyway.
Voting should take place over the weekend.
They should scan each vote and receipt for each voter and/or possible recount.
Rescued us from 1900 voting machines.
Put us 2000.
I will change the election day to the first Saturday of November, not Jack Tuesday.
We should have a good system-let's see if the referendum is equal to the Electoral College vote. . .
Then we will know if it is a good system.
This election will prove many things in our country.
It's hard for me to wait until this time tomorrow to see who has the "hanging this time ".
I will shorten the campaign a lot.
I think part of the reason our candidate needs so much money to run is the time it takes to finish the campaign.
Other countries elect their leaders in a few weeks!
Jack, we will not only abolish the current presidential system, but also abolish the congressional system and replace it with the parliamentary government system.
Then, no matter which party gets a 50% + 1 vote in all the votes, they will choose a prime minister to lead the administration.
If no party exceeds this threshold, their time to form an alliance between parties will be limited.
This will have a beneficial impact because the government has to work better to maintain power rather than the chaos that we endure every 4 years.
The MNMake Election Day is a statutory holiday that regulates voting and allows people to vote on the results.
I will make postage
Vote in every state. . .
There's a sheet of paper-
Trail, no "hanging chads", no machine failure, people have two weeks to decide who they vote for before mailing their votes, and no long queues!
First, all primary elections will be held within 3 days of two or three weeks apart.
We divided the country into 17 in the first primary and 2 in 16.
Second, three months before the first primary, the state was pulled out of the hat, so the candidate did not know where to start the campaign until then.
Imagine what happens when Iowa and New Hampshire no longer leave the block!
The voting system was obviously broken.
This is odd because in most other areas our technology is so advanced that it doesn't seem to be able to be combined with voting.
If we can't do the machine well, find a way to make the process more efficient, so that no one has to wait more than 1/2 hours. why not vote online?
Can this solve many problems?
For people like John McCain who don't understand computers, they can vote by mail.
Where do I start?
First, there should be a national standard for voting;
The United States has proved that they can't do it alone.
This national voting standard should include 4 election days instead of 1 election day, as well as voting machines that produce hard copies of the results, among which;
Both methods will be listed and compared.
Out of the electoral college, it's out of date
It's out of date and should have gone with horses and carriages.
True democracy is the election of the president by all the people.
A majority vote across the country.
Skip the Electoral College.
There are still things to do with machines.
If they can't work properly, the US should go back to the basic state and use a simple paper vote.
The process is, of course, too complicated.
How can this be a real democratic process when the Electoral College decides who will be president.
Should be based on a referendum! !
Jack, shorten the campaign time, the federal government funds the campaign with private or corporate donations so that all candidates have the same campaign funds and have a real debate on the issues discussed, not empty
Matt Rockford says Eli will ban Election Day campaigns like John McCain today.
Our voters can't do this near the polling station, so why does he contact us by means of radio waves, etc?
Seems completely illegal/unfair.
Also, get rid of touch screen voting machines that don't give you a voting record.
Only paper votes scanned on the scanner.
I don't think there is any problem with our current system and it still works. We need standardized voting procedures (
Same machine, same format)
Depending on the population, either vote on the weekend or set the voting day as National Day.
The electoral college was canceled and the referendum was conducted directly.
The president can win millions of votes in the way it is set up now, but just because they don't carry some big state, they lose the election.
It will definitely help more people vote because their vote will be more important.
We should all be able to vote by email like Oregon or "ahead" like Nevada.
It's a good idea to look at the election voting system!
The popular vote may be the first answer, but it doesn't solve how "filling" depends on the region's Congress.
Working under the current system, I would like to see all states split electoral votes like Maine and Nebraska, instead of the current "winner-all ".
In Texas, McCain won't be able to get 31 votes.
I am an American and live in Brazil most of the time.
Here, everyone between the ages of 18 and 65 has to vote, and 16/17 and the elderly are voluntary.
Everything is electronic and the vote ends at 5.
At about eight o'clock P. M. on Sunday, they voted and the results were all announced.
There were no electoral colleges, No 50 different types of votes, no waiting hours to see who won.
I will shorten the process a lot, 2 years is crazy.
When a person spends hundreds of millions of dollars doing a £ 400,000 job and tells me that these are crazy, the rules of the two parties are crazy.
First, increased accountability for expenditure is required.
Gently, more than 1 is allocated.
The election alone has $5 billion, which is in absolute contradiction with the current economic crisis and the potential political platform for the two candidates.
Expenditure should not be restricted and expenditure should not be limited.
We need to get the money out of the process.
As long as our representative is chasing money, they will serve it.
We have become a country of particular interest because the death of the people is of particular interest. Example;
The lobbyists want the door to open so Wall Street can make more money and pass the law in 2000 so they can.
Of course, 2008 taxpayers must bail them with the support of lobbyists.
Yes, I will change the way we elect the president.
I hate this aspect of the electoral college, especially when the election results are not the same as the popular vote, I will cancel the Electoral College.
1-the authenticity of the advertisement.
Any candidate who blatantly lies, anyone who sends mail or posts content on the website, any radio talk show host or political expert who speaks lies, has the potential to be subject to civil and criminal charges.
We force advertisers to tell the truth that advertising activities should meet this standard.
2-no more public funds (tax dollars)
But all the money must come from the public. donations).
No money for PAC, no money for company.
All dollars must be tracked and can be traced back to the person who donated, regardless of the denomination.
3-shorten the activity time.
The campaign cannot begin 60 days after the election.
Two weeks before the election, all the campaigns stopped.
Vote early for all
Voting began two weeks before the election.
5-traceable voting.
All votes are hard copies (for recounts)
And resulting in a receipt containing a unique security pin number, which voters can view on-
Their vote is counted and that's what they want.
I will change it completely.
First of all, it will be limited to no more than 2 or 3 months, as in some other civilized countries like the UK.
Then I will have each campaign fully funded by the public-there is no private donation at all.
Even the candidate can't use his own money.
Funds will be limited to an average of several million dollars allocated among all candidates.
First I need at least 1 party out of 3 and then maybe add more.
Candidates are not allowed to pay for advertising from public funds.
The main purpose of this is to save our sanity.
But there may be a side benefit-candidates who can use public funds most effectively may win-and that's what we want in the president-the one who can use public funds most effectively produce results effectively.
There is no doubt that I will abolish the Electoral College system.
It doesn't work at all in this era.
I also absolutely guarantee that every citizen will vote or they will confiscate any tax refund on income tax.
I said we went to the old school.
The winner becomes president and the loser becomes vice president.
Nowadays, the government has too much influence on our lives, and neither side can be left out.
We should not cancel the Electoral College because the sparsely populated bread basket needs a sound or our bread may run out.
Jack, there's no fuss about the Oregon Post vote, no lines, few questions about Jim Albany, or the lines and enthusiasm are inspiring.
But the country has
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