connecting to the touch board - touch board-ITATOUCH-img

connecting to the touch board - touch board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-07
connecting to the touch board  -  touch board
Connect to the TouchPad with the TouchPad, you can turn touch into sound on almost any material, but how do you connect it to things in order to include it in your project?
We have come up with several examples, but there are many different ways to integrate it depending on the application or the material you are using.
These are just some suggestions.
The touchpad is currently on Kickstarter, so support this project if you like what you see and help the TouchPad become a reality!
Looking at the video in the touch screen video, we made various demos where we needed to connect the touch screen to different materials, and that's how we did it. .
The TouchPad has 12 touch points along the top of the board.
We arrange them all in this way so that you can easily connect the board to something different, while it can be placed on the edge independently.
We have been working with manufacturers to get the maximum surface area for these points to ensure a good electrical connection to a variety of different materials, so in the final version these areas should be a little larger.
The 12 touch points running along the top edge are copied in one point on the side of the TouchPad (
On the left side of this picture).
These joints can be welded to them so that you can also connect to the TouchPad this way, or to what you want to connect directly to them.
In our video, if you want to see how we do this, we draw all our graphics on paper with our electric paint.
We put the TouchPad flat on the back so it can be flat on paper or on a surface painted with electricity.
To ensure good electrical contact, you can cold weld the circuit board to the painted surface with an additional drop of electrical paint in the hole of the contact point, and you may also want to stick the board down with a double-sided tape, to make sure it stays in place.
If you don't want to mess up your board yet, or you just want to test something quickly, you can connect your TouchPad with a magnet, just clip the TouchPad and paper between two magnets
This will get tricky if you use all 12 electrodes because the magnets will stick to each other, but a quick test with each other will work.
Using crocodile clips is a faster way to connect.
If you don't have a crocodile clip, why not wrap the wires around the contact point for quick and easy connection.
If you want to use it with a fabric or textile, you can sew it into your project with a guide wire.
In order to make a more lasting connection to the harder material, you can try to screw or nail it on the wood or wall.
For thin materials like plastic, you can also try small nuts and bolts.
There are a lot of potential ways to connect the board with things, and we can't wait to know how you fit the board into your project.
Please check out kickstarterfor more great project ideas involving touchpad.
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