features abound for new smart phones - touch screen keyboard-ITATOUCH-img

features abound for new smart phones - touch screen keyboard

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-08
features abound for new smart phones  -  touch screen keyboard
The most novel mobile phone
Called a smartphone
There will be more new features this summer.
Apple is expected to release a new iPhone T-
Google Android is facing mobile
Elevator, and a lot of buzz about the comingto-be-
Release the Palm Pre.
Soon, your phone may be smarter than you.
Not exactly, but mobile phones are getting more expensive.
They have music, electronics.
Mail, video and countless other features.
Then there's the app store that lets you download everything from the game to the financial planner.
Access to any carrier's store, the number of features and phones can be very large.
I visited a Verizon store in downtown San Francisco, pretending to be a soccer mom and needing a new phone with personalized features.
"Where are you going to use the phone?
Asked Muki Lok, the salesperson.
"Take me through the day and see what the phone is good for you.
"I told him I wanted to text --
Message my kids and emailsSend an email to my friend
"Would you like to be able to open attachments for emailmails? " Lok asked.
He will give me a call if I promise.
He would suggest a change if I said no.
Number of high-end mobile phones sold in the United StatesS.
It exploded in the past two years.
Ramon Lamas, an analyst at research firm IDC, said the launch of the iPhone two years ago was a catalyst. Its high-
Terminal functions and stylish design have helped people change their perception of mobile phones.
Camel says revolutionary touch
Screen technology has spawned dozens of imitators.
"A lot of people say I like touch screens," he said . "
He pointed out that there are now dozens of other mobile phones with touch screens that attract the hearts and imagination of many mobile phone users.
Palm has not been at the top of the game since its pilot 10 years ago, and it hopes its new Pre will be as revolutionary as the iPhone.
Matt Crawley, product line manager at Palm, shows off this compact phone
The company is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.
"The overall design of the Palm Pre is actually based on polished river stones," Crowly said . ".
He took it and turned it over as if it were a gem.
Pre takes into account one of the biggest criticisms of the iPhone: its touchScreen keyboard.
Crawley slides on the device to reveal the keyboard with a touch button.
One of the other good features of the Pre is the ability to open several programs at once.
So it's possible to type an email
Check the calendar to send mail.
Pre was well received.
"People say, 'You know what?
"That's what I really want my device to do," Llamas said.
Although the smartphone market is becoming more and more crowded, if an informal survey of customers in the San Francisco cafe, Palm does have the potential to overthrow the market leaders of Apple and BlackBerry, is any sign.
"I really don't like it," Jasper Gregory said of his iPhone . ".
"It looks too brittle.
I hid it so it wouldn't be stolen.
I never heard it, so I'm not in touch anymore.
Another customer, Sara Skikney, said she doesn't have many BlackBerry users. friendly.
"I don't know how to set up something that I think should be easier to get," Skikney said . ".
"Like, you have to go through a few lists in order to find different features.
Llamas said: "The attitude of the people in this cafe is not at all like the feeling of mobile phones in Europe and Asia.
The phone is a personal statement, he said.
"I compare it to people bringing home a puppy or a cat," Llamas said . ".
"Oh, look at my new device. It's so cute. Check it out.
Do you want to take it?
Do you want to touch it?
"One thing is for sure: there is a huge potential market for premium phones in the US. S.
Last year, less than 14% of those who bought mobile phones owned smartphones.
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