gordon clark: dont hope for a say on taxey taxes - online drawing board-ITATOUCH-img

gordon clark: don't hope for a say on taxey taxes - online drawing board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-10
gordon clark: don\'t hope for a say on taxey taxes  -  online drawing board
With the provincial campaign still going on, there has been enough "serious" news to be reported recently.
So it was a relief to learn earlier this week that the Vancouver Park Council had renamed one of Hastings Park's playgrounds a fascinating decision to slide Park.
Three people submitted a new name-to five-year-
At the childcare center near Hastings Park and the old children who often use the playground (formerly known as the plateau sports Park.
Slidey Slides are one of the two names that day care workers submit to the park council on their behalf, and the Park Council has invested heavily in the public.
There may be too many political factors in the naming of public facilities, and I have to say that I find the board's decision very pleasant to have those little citizens speak out of their playground, located between Playland and Empire field.
I dare not say "slide park" a few times without laughing ".
My two sons are now in college, but the story brings me back to those wonderful thousands of hours my wife and I logged in at the Vancouver playground a few years ago, take the little hand of trust, Tate-riding
Swing, usually making sure no one goes up from too high.
Who likes to name the playground with two long metal slides more than happy children?
So, put forward their decision to the board.
That being said, I couldn't help but notice the Park-
The naming initiative is one of several attempts by Vancouver city politicians in recent days on populist direct democracy.
Failed in the first attempt to replace the city logo or "wordmark," the City of Vancouver council decided on Tuesday to return to the draw Board, which will include a public vote to elect a new draw board.
As I said before, I think this sport is unnecessary as the current green building in Vancouverand-
The blue text mark, with brisk lines reminiscent of leaves, nature and the ocean, is perfectly acceptable.
The City of Vancouver Hall will also be held until May 14 to select "official city birds" from four candidates by online voting: Anna's hummingbird, North flashing, spotted towhee and various thrusts are all selected by bird experts
As a lifelong bird lover, I think the tits and even the boring old seagulls are a more obvious option, but the recent flashes of the North are rare on my feeder,
Although I am happy with the "Slidey slide" and have not seen the public participation in the harm of choosing the name of the park, the official birds, or the logo, do you see anything in common with these three questions
They have basically no impact on citizens.
If different kinds of eyebrow birds beat Taoxi, Vancouver's feather mascot, no one's life will change.
This contrasts with the mood of politicians when it comes to important decisions that actually affect the public, especially in their wallets, such as the mayor's plan to add some sort of tax to pay their 10-
Annual transportation plan.
After losing the 2015 transit tax referendum, the mayor's committee is still licking the wound, announcing this week that they have no intention of letting taxpayers decide whether to approve the new tax on their latest plan.
When it comes to naming an official bird, it's OK to have a say in our poor schlumps, but when it comes to policies that really matter and will cost us money, it's gone.
A little condescending, don't you?
Earlier this week, Vancouver's new building regulations came into effect for most new buildings that effectively ban the use of natural gas.
There is a lot of resistance.
How likely do you think Vancouver will put this vision to a vote?
Or how does a theological-driven plan make driving in the city as difficult as possible?
Because they know there is a chance that their extremist policies will be rejected. But don't worry.
They will let us choose what color and font to use for the next word mark that still says "Vancouver city.
"Slidey Slides are OK, but they don't want to hear from us when it comes to taxes.
Gclark @ postmediacom
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