harbour and beach digital signage - interactive digital signage-ITATOUCH-img

harbour and beach digital signage - interactive digital signage

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-18
harbour and beach digital signage  -  interactive digital signage
Dynamic sales even infringe on our leisure time, but in a fantastic way, now you'll see outdoor digital signage in the port, but let's take a look at the hazards of installing electronic signage on the beach.
When using any dynamic advertising device outdoors, you must consider the environment in which it is located, for example, whether the electronic advertising device is located in direct sunlight, which may cause various difficulties, because this will cause the TV in the case of the LCD to overheat.
Everything from the sun to the salt in the breeze has to be taken into account, because in the heavy salt air, this will fail any dynamic advertising device, when salt crystals enter the monitor and decay the circuit in the device and TV, so a special outdoor LCD case must be used, not just any outdoor TV box, but as a special grade stainless steel housing for beach and marine products with a grade of 316, due to the high chromium content in the steel and significantly reducing any rust in the air, due to high contact with bleach-based liquids, these are also used in food and pharmaceutical applications.
The stylish look of the stainless steel LCD housing is shocking, as usually wealthy ports and beaches are frequented, just look at the customers who buy yachts and boats, so they will not tolerate a solution that looks shabby.
If steel monitor housing is used, this will be attacked by salt present in the air and cause the LCD housing to rust in the first month;
316 stainless steel is the most popular choice.
This will definitely upset wealthy guests, so this is another purpose why stainless steel is used.
Therefore, it is possible to advertise on digital signage at the beach or port, yacht clubs can promote their bars and restaurants, while local yacht shops can sell their products and services, it's fun to be with the owner directly.
The weather forecast can be shown so that anyone traveling can know that a hurricane and storm may come.
Now, if the port Club has WIFI hotspots and can use the interactive digital LCD advertising screen, they can use it as a way to discover and discover which restaurants are on the side of the pier, they will live next door, even book a table at a restaurant.
This will include connecting the LCD poster to the world wide web so that consumers can touch the port on the map and then choose from restaurants, bars to show or even view the environment before they get it.
Electronic digital marketing is every place used to increase the customer experience, and others are using dynamic marketing to increase brand awareness and advertise the new season series of clothing.
But what they use them to explain, remember when you drink wheat
You have heard of digital signage at the port.
The authors have leading LCD housing manufacturers whose LCD housing range provides protection for outdoor TVs in backyard and outdoor digital signage.
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