how i work - digital whiteboard price-ITATOUCH-img

how i work - digital whiteboard price

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-03
how  i work  -  digital whiteboard price
Fortune magazine)-
It's pretty amazing looking back at Microsoft for over 30 years (Research)
Start and realize how work has changed.
We're finally getting close to what I'm talking about the digital way of working.
If you look at this office, there is not much paper in it.
I have three screens on my desk, syncing to form a single desktop.
I can drag the project from one screen to the next.
Once you have a large display area, you will never go back because it has a direct impact on productivity.
The screen on the left has my electronic listmails.
It's usually a specific electron on the center screen.
I am reading and replying to the Mail.
My browser is on the right-hand screen.
This setting allows me to see at a glance when doing something, see what's new, and come up with a link related to e-commerce
Mail, look at it, and email
The mail is still in front of me. At Microsoft, e-
Mail is the preferred medium, compared to phone calls, documents, blogs, bulletin boards and even meetings (
Voice mail and fax are actually integrated into our email. mail in-boxes).
I got around 100. mails a day.
We apply filtering to keep this level--e-
The mail is received directly from anyone I have contacted, anyone from Microsoft, Intel (Research), HP (Research)
All other partner companies, and anyone I know.
I always see an article.
From any of my other email assistants
Mail, from a company that is not on my license list or an individual I don't know.
In this way, I know why people praise us, what they are complaining about, and what they are asking.
The challenge we face now is not how to communicate effectively with e-commerce.
Mail, it makes sure you spend your time on email
The most important mail
I use something like "in-
Box rules and search folders to Mark and group messages based on their content and importance.
I don't like it-do lists.
Instead, I use email
Mail and desktop folders and my online calendar.
So when I walk to my desk I can focus on e-commerce
I tagged and checked the folders that monitor specific projects and specific blogs.
Outlook also has a small notification box that appears in the lower right corner whenever a new email appearsmail comes in.
We call it toast.
Unless I see it high, I am very disciplined about ignoring itpriority topic.
It is a problem to stay focused;
This is the problem of information overload.
Another problem is the lack of information.
The proliferation of information does not mean that we have the right information, nor does it mean that we are in touch with the right people.
I handle this by using SharePoint, a tool for creating a website for collaboration on a specific project.
These sites contain plans, schedules, discussion boards, and other information, with just a few mouse clicks, which can be created by almost anyone in the company.
Now, I am preparing for the thinking week.
At May, I am leaving for a week to read 100 or more papers from Microsoft employees that study issues related to the future of the company and technology.
I have been doing it for 12 years.
It used to be a whole
I am the only one who does reading and commenting.
Today the whole process is digital and open to the company as a whole.
I am now much more efficient in picking the right paper to read, and I can add electronic reviews that everyone sees in real time.
Microsoft has more than 50,000 people, so when I was thinking, "Hey, what's the future of the online payment system?
"Or" What is a good way to track your memory of your child?
"Or anything fresh, I will write it down.
Then people can see it and say "No, you're wrong" or "Do you know the job was done in such a place ? "and-such a place?
"SharePoint keeps me in touch with a lot of people in the organization.
It's like having a super
Websites that allow many people to edit and discuss--
Far more than the standard practice of sending emails
Mail with attachment
If anything happens in the area you are interested in, it will inform you.
Another digital tool that has a big impact on my productivity is desktop search.
It changed the way I access information on PC, server and Internet.
With the increase of the hard disk and the increase of bandwidth, I now have gigabit electronic information on my PC and server
Mail, documents, media files, contact database, etc.
I don't need to go through the folder to find a document that I think might be a piece of information, but just type the search terms and all the emails in the toolbar
The messages and documents that contain this information are at my fingertips.
Same is true for phone numbers and emailsmail addresses.
Paper is no longer most of my day.
I got 90% news online, and when I went to the meeting and wanted to write things down, I took my tablet with me.
It is in full sync with my office machine, so I have all the files I need.
It also has a note.
So all my notes are in digital form. The one low-
The technical equipment in my office is my whiteboard.
I always have beautiful colored pens, when I am with others, and sometimes even alone, this is a great place to brainstorm.
The whiteboards in some Microsoft offices are able to capture images and send them to a computer, just like a huge tablet.
I don't have it yet, but I may get a digital whiteboard next year.
Today, if there's anything wonderful, I just have to take out my pen and tablet and recreate it.
Meetings are often in the days.
It's a great luxury to have time to write down my thoughts or follow up on day meetings.
But sometimes this is not the case.
So it's great to be able to sit at home and experience any e-commerce after the kids go to bed
I did not receive the mail.
If it's busy all week it's the weekend and I'll send out long, thoughtful emailsmail.
When people come on Monday morning they will find that I have been busy all the time-
They have a lot of emails. mail.
Now on Bill's desk. -
Dell desktop and Motion tablets running Microsoft Windows XP--NEC 21-inch monitors (a souped-
Make three people as a single desktop)--
Microsoft Wireless Mouse-
Logitech camera (
For video conferencing)Software (
All provided by Microsoft)--Outlook (e-
Mail, Calendar)--SharePoint (collaboration)--OneNote (note taking)--Communicator (
PC-instant messagingto-
Telephone integration, etc)
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