how massive open online courses moocs work - online drawing board-ITATOUCH-img

how massive open online courses (moocs) work - online drawing board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-09
how massive open online courses (moocs) work  -  online drawing board
When two Stanford professors decided to provide their artificial intelligence (AI)
Free online courses for anyone interested in attending, they expect to have up to several thousand students.
But at the beginning of the course, they had 160,000 students registered [
Source: Morrison.
It was in 2011.
Professors are trying a new form of course called massive online open course (MOOC (
Think about "mook" for easier reading ").
Since then, dozens of universities, including some of the world's most prestigious and expensive, have launched their own MOOCs.
Anyone with Internet access can learn the basics of neuroscience from Harvard University, learn English composition from Duke University, learn circuits and electronics from MIT, learn all the low of the Muslim world from the University of Copenhagen
No low cost [
Source: Curriculum era]!
And all without college credits, although a variety-
The credit model is on the drawing [
Source: Masterson].
Classes usually range from 4 to 12 weeks.
Most of the Mu classes are introductory courses that you will take early in your college career, though somewhat higher --
Provide level subjects for students who already have a college background or degree and wish to continue their education or add new entries to their resumes [
Source: Bozniak Marquis].
It's easy to ignore this new format as a remake.
OpenYale and iTunes have provided free online lectures.
Free electronics available in some universities
Textbooks and courses through these types of "open learning" platforms [Source: Max].
Really, if you set the cost
Free stuff aside, we seem to have had similar opportunities over the years. People have long received actual university credits and complete degrees online.
However, in theory at least, the MOOC is completely different.
You take traditional online courses and learn for free, avoiding many preconceived structures. Oh, yes ---
Ask your classmates to rate your work.
Finally, it is based on a collaborative and pervasive learning method called connectionist theory.
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