how much screen time is too much for kids 7 new tips from doctors - digital screen-ITATOUCH-img

how much screen time is too much for kids? 7 new tips from doctors - digital screen

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-15
how much screen time is too much for kids? 7 new tips from doctors  -  digital screen
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Flickr/Alex Gaglon)
Remember the good times of the past, when parents are worried about how much TV their children watch, they need to pay attention to the various forms of "screen time" from TV to streaming video to mobile phones and iPads ", the American Academy of Pediatrics warned.
Although parents believe that newer devices offer different activities than TV viewing, pediatricians believe that they are only minor changes to the same activity --
As a result, children may do too many things.
"Excessive media use may mean that children don't have enough time to play, learn, talk or sleep during the day," said lead author Jenny redski, who suggested by the group, which was released on Friday.
Instead, parents of very young children should focus on providing "creative, non-plugged playtime ".
"Regarding how and when parents should allow young children to use their various digital devices, the group has new suggestions: 1.
Keep digital devices completely away from children under 18 months. The near-
The full ban on children under two years of age stems from Digital Equipment depriving them of basic skills acquired at this critical stage of development.
Babies and toddlers need time to play, sleep, learn to deal with their emotions and build relationships.
The college reports that while parents may be persuaded that mobile video games are educational, it is difficult for babies and toddlers to apply what they see on the screen2.
The daily digital screen time is limited to two to five to one hour.
Parents should look limited, high
Provide high-quality digital products with their children to help them understand what they see. 3.
Skype or video chat with Nana and Pop
Pop music, or any other loving friend or relative.
Video chat does use electronic devices, but the focus is on building relationships, which means it's worth far more than any possible downside. 4.
Pay attention to how and when mobile phones and tablets are introduced into children's daily life.
This means parents need to monitor their use to make sure they set a good example.
Whether it's a phone call or playing games on a tablet, it shouldn't be a reason to ignore friends or relatives. 5.
Do not inadvertently train children to adjust their emotions by relying on computer games. (
Doctors warn parents to avoid
As much as possible
Use your phone and tablet to distract your child on a daily basis that needs to be waited.
While using the phone while waiting in line at the pharmacy may remain calm or help placate restless children, this ultimately hinders the child's ability to learn how to deal with boredom.
Toddlers are an important period for children to learn to regulate their emotions.
The team of doctors warned that if they missed this important lesson in advance, it would only be harder to learn later.
Parents should rely on digital devices only when they are really nervous.
On the plane, or waiting for medical procedures. 6.
Keep some time blocks-free.
Mobile phones or other games are not allowed during meals.
The college urged that larger equipment be placed outside the children's bedroom and that all equipment be cut off at least one hour before going to bed. 7.
Play with your kids.
Let the experience be as much about the relationship as on-
The screen game itself.
Remember: those Nana and Pop Music
Popular chat has expert blessing.
"Despite the changing media environment, some of the same parenting rules apply," said pediatrician Yolanda Chassiakos . " He helped draft the organization's media proposals.
Kathryn O'Brien @ njadvancemedia may be reached. com.
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