lottery agencies turn to online sales, interactive displays in hopes to appeal to younger customers

lottery agencies turn to online sales, interactive displays in hopes to appeal to younger customers - interactive display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-07
lottery agencies turn to online sales, interactive displays in hopes to appeal to younger customers  -  interactive display
Like many millennials, Sarah rogatski did not go to the lottery. The 32-year-
Old is part of her $2 a week office pool and chips at the Winnipeg workplace, mainly for the social aspect of playing with others.
"I have never bought a lottery ticket myself.
"She is part of the national trend that lottery agencies are trying to reverse.
They want to make gambling easier by upgrading technology to attract and retain more young people.
This generation seems to have unlimited entertainment options when the mouse clicks or the finger slides.
Rogalsky said there are many ways to play, and the chances of scoring high in the lottery are not tempting.
"For example, my parents would buy lottery tickets because they thought they had a chance to win, and people like me, I know how low those opportunities are.
"Read more: Why did it take the Nova Scotia couple five months to get a $500,000 lottery ticket and feel lucky?
The only $60 million Lottery Max bonus sold at provincial lottery company PrairiesIn 2014
The company, representing all provincial and regional lottery agencies, issued a request for advice on new lottery games similar to lottery 6
Attractive to adults under 35.
According to the document, the number of young people buying National Lottery tickets is declining "historically.
Western Canada Lottery
The report, representing the three regions of the grassland province and the North, said this figure was $150
Lottery revenue in 2017 fell by a million from the previous year.
Ontario Lottery and Gaming
In a recent annual report, the "reduction in the number of core players" was mentioned ".
In recent years, in order to make gambling more high-tech,
Friendly and accessible to people.
More provinces have online gambling sites where players can conduct casino activities
Buy lottery tickets or play games.
Lottery terminals in corner shops are getting higher and higher
Technology and interaction.
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, last September
A new instant lottery ticket is introduced, which combines the traditional scratch demand with an animated rotation wheel that appears on the lottery terminal display.
The agency also offers some products at the grocery store checkout counter.
Spokesman Tony Bitonti wrote in an email that the company is "improving the customer experience by investing in digital technology and product solutions and ensuring it responds to changing customer expectations.
The professor said it was a tough battle to attract young people with a lot of entertainment options.
Kelly Mayne, head of marketing department, Asper Business School, University of Manitoba.
From home immersive video games to fast-
Millennials are used to using action apps on mobile devices to get their senses fully involved, she said.
"Our expectations of how quickly things happen have changed. . .
Our expectations of how well these games interact have also changed . "
"Traditional paper format (
We feel different from the way technology allows some other choice.
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