loyalty cocktail - digital display-ITATOUCH-img

loyalty cocktail - digital display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-11
loyalty cocktail  -  digital display
Hillary Rodham Clinton was ridiculed in a recent interview because she was talking about why her husband cheated.
However, some other southern marriages living under the microscope may prove this.
Just from Bill's infidelity, it can be seen the struggle between his mother and his grandmother, and the flirting instincts of these other men are also considered very difficult --wired.
Like Democrats.
Republicans believe that these men can make changes based on the ideas and needs of the people they serve.
But the male mouse who injected the "one-husband-one-wife gene" escaped the struggle to almost lose Clinton's presidency, assuming his marriage was over.
WhenEmory's researchers spliced the DNA chain of a wife-made prairie mouse into a mixed mouse, which binds more closely with their partner, even if the mouse's wife is not in the heat
The report quoted Tom Insel, a psychologist at the research team, as saying, "what is really interesting is that changes in individual genes can lead to profound differences in new expression patterns and behaviors in the brain.
Hillary had to like the sound.
Although the country feels warm to her as a wronged wife, she is not
The account spouse is contrary to his wishes and needs several days of loss control.
But she should stick to it, because the polygamous gene can verify her original version: it may be a genetic disease that Bill can't put it in his pants in front of big hair.
And you won't leave the sick.
You treat him.
Maybe Bill Clinton doesn't want to be the first human test for one-wife genetic therapy (
Possible drug name: Luvone; PantzOn; Noagra).
Maybe he thinks scientists in Atlanta should stick to it.
Make the boy a boy. Tough.
He owed her a great deal of favor: she made a new book for him and was hit by his poor health --
Take care of the plan and have to do betrayaland-
Forgiveness dances on TV every time a bimbo breaks out.
The guinea pig bill could peak Hillary Clinton's campaign in the Senate.
New Yorkers may vote for her just to see the drug trial unfold.
The digital display in Times Square can track days without "notes", as they call it in AA.
At the same time, Hillary can run without worrying about a new scandal, and Bill--
Now, not looking for boang soup to distract-
He can inherit his legacy and find a new job.
At least, the votes of scientific researchers will be sewn up.
Gene-bound Bill Clinton can also help Gore's campaign by putting down medical challenges.
The cocaine vaccine is expected to stop the drug's role soon: Clinton may challenge George W.
Take his medicine like a man.
Gene therapy, Clinton's yo-
The role of religion may become complicated throughout the campaign.
With the emergence of presidential candidatesclose-and-
Personal relationships with God, they need to address the nature of free will and fatalism.
After all, if it is suddenly clear that the sixth commandment is a question of genetic susceptibility, how can we explain the other ninth commandment, but even if the experiment is carried out under the belt, how will Clinton survive after all this sex for power? How the urge to stick an expensive cigar to a subordinate will be re-directed to deliver a $10,000 speech ,.
For example, working at some senior levelrisk, high-
He can scream at the risk business in front of a beautiful secretary and may support his gentlest sexual behavior.
But Gennifer Flowers says "Love Me" Clinton eats Busan like a champion and also needs a place to play.
Assuming Hillary is still angry, he can take a while to get her back.
Given his love for his mother, and the intellectual divide between his wife and mistress, Clinton could suffer a Virgin
A prostitute complex like JohnLeguizamo in Sam's summer--
The kind of person who ruled out any relationship with his wife.
The Clinton couple must overcome this.
As his term ends and her campaign heats up, the two can play with the transition from prezand first lady to senator and first person in terms of sex.
For Hillary, using a fake penis to fuck him will not only pass on the baton of power, but will also declare him later on.
Across the prairie Wall Road
Strengthen the link of gene therapy.
If Hillary's diagnosis in the conversation is correct and he needs to fix the trauma that please both women, maybe she can get a dark wig and other gear for the other self.
In short, he has to do what most married people do: find a way to make sex fun with someone.
It is estimated that even if 60% of Americans cheat their spouses, they will not continue to cheat as Clinton did, and they have achieved some viable one-wife system.
The president, the last two speakers of the House and most of the Kennedy family are holding a distorted mirror and facing the rest of the country.
They showed us a country of estrus rodents.
Outside of extremely powerful Priapic cartoons like Clinton, Warren Betty, and Mick Jagger, is there a market for one-wife Pharma, unlike men I know ---
Just like my female friends and colleagues.
And of course, every time I read that 87% of Americans believe that Adam and Eve are their great men,
Grandparents and seniors will go to hell, and I remind myself that my educated little circle in the eastern city is no more representative of the United States than salon readers.
Maybe I'm naive, maybe it's not just a force, maybe all Joe sixpack in Kansas have babies around.
Because I don't know any of them (
Or Clinton, Betty, Jagger)
I can't include them in my one-wife genetic survey.
About 20 people replied to my email
Mail questions, "Will you take a drug that will satisfy you and your partner and never want to play with others", most wanting to clarify this absurd premise;
They especially want to know if the drug will keep you in touch with someone you no longer love.
My favorite
A straight man asked the question: "Are all men required to be independent?
There will still be a kind of tour of drug treatment [polygamous]
"Such a response suggests that my friends spray bushes like Clinton, Gingrich, and most rodents, but they have a self-
A sense of restraint.
Most gay men surveyed said they would take the drug if their partner also took it.
Several respondents believe that the loss of desire will be far beyond the romantic era.
A divorced woman said that a one-wife pill could knock off the FTD.
Ruth, Oprah, Springer, sports, Playboy, music, painting and poetry.
In front of the Camille Paglia line, a continuous, one-husband and one-wife declared "the way one conquers"women]
It is through information, inspiration, imagination and ambition.
"Both of them believe that insecurity and competition will inspire romance and other achievements, but neither of them advocate open marriage to promote this.
Married men I surveyed-
Target market--
The drug amonogamy was unanimously condemned as "castrated" and "cerebral lobe resection ". " (
However, it was said that if he had a "Clinton disease", he would have taken the drug so as not to lose his wife and son. )
"The conflict between desire and one-husband's wife helps me understand the responsibility I take through marriage, which goes far beyond loyalty," a newly married relative reported . ".
Another friend who has been married for 12 years and has two children wrote, "the desire for surplus helps deepen the fear of survival.
Happiness is always relative, even if it is a natural optimism.
In this way, we can endure the suffering of our satisfaction and lack.
"The struggle to fantasize, trust and remain loyal makes these husbands not want to dilute an uplifting cocktail.
I'm skeptical about the one-wife model. -
I 've seen it turn honest people into cheaters, and happy people into the cast of Sutter's "Don't quit" cast.
"But my married friend
I am very happy with the Mail.
These people believe that sexual negation is conscious and contradictory.
Embrace, not just the suppression of the pilgrims or blindly submit to society more.
Their thinking also gives the biological fatalism a lie: human malenessis is not a disease that needs to be cured, and a one-wife system may be better than the path of least resistance.
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