minicomx92s ds vision 3000 wins best av distribution system award - digital signage player-ITATOUC

minicomx92s ds vision 3000 wins best av distribution system award - digital signage player

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-01
minicomx92s ds vision 3000 wins best av distribution system award  -  digital signage player
Minicoms DS Vision 3000 won the world leader in digital signage player-Best AV Distribution Systems Awardto-
Screen connection, I am proud to announce that the digital signage group chose DS Vision 3000 as the winner of the best connected peripherals for the fourth DIGI Grand Prize product category, New York, October 15.
October 27, 2008 (PowerHomeBiz )-
Jerusalem, Israel-
Minicom Advanced system, the world's leading digital signage playerto-
Screen connection, I am proud to announce that the digital signage group chose DS Vision 3000 as the winner of the best connected peripherals for the fourth DIGI Grand Prize product category, New York, October 15. (
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