parents cry foul over exorbitant fees - interactive smart board price-ITATOUCH-img

parents cry foul over exorbitant fees - interactive smart board price

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-24
parents cry foul over exorbitant fees  -  interactive smart board price
Shah Alam: It seems that school is no longer as cheap as it used to be.
Parents of SJK students (C)
Puchong Kheng Chee complained that they were told to pay a variety of tuition fees over RM450 this year alone.
Some parents, unable to bear the burden, gathered yesterday at the Ministry of Education in Selangor to express their concerns.
Wu Jiyin, 39, has two children at school and he calls it "a monthly installment family ".
She presented several letters from the school to members of the media, asking for a fee for reference books, computer classes and a list of smart classrooms.
Smart classrooms are equipped with smart boards, which are digital alternatives to blackboards to provide an interactive learning experience for children.
"My son came home crying.
He told me that he had used the SMART Board for the classroom, so we had to pay for it, "Ng said.
Parents can choose whether to have their children in class, but students who do not pay are forced to sit behind the computer lab.
Some, like the son of Riskiyani Sulaiman, were left in the classroom when others went to the computer lab.
"I met the teacher about the cost.
I was told that if I don't pay, my child has to sit outside the classroom whenever the SMART Board is in use, "28-year-old.
Riskiyani added that it was good for her to pay for the classroom and list of recommended books.
"But all of a sudden, we were told to pay hundreds for computer classes and smart classrooms.
What if we can't afford it?
Does this mean that my child will be denied education? ” she asked.
Some students are threatened with punishment.
"I have indicated that I do not want my son to take computer classes when I receive the consent form.
But my son said he would be forced to do ear squats if he didn't pay, "said Keok Chui Hong, 36.
In addition to various fees, the school also requires students to purchase coupons for their funds --
At the fundraising carnival next month, parents said they had not been approved by the Ministry of Education.
In Contact, Deputy Education Minister Chong Sin Woon said he would ask the district education department to investigate the claims of parents.
Parents yesterday sent a memo to the Department of Education in Selangor state listing their concerns.
The reporter could not contact the female principal for comments.
Department confirmed receipt of documents.
This is not the first time SJK (C)
Kheng CI has become a media concern.
Earlier in April, three students in the school for nearly a hundred years were whip by the principal for not having an optional workbook called "big mu.
In response to this question, Chong said that schools should not force students to purchase books that are not available on the Ministry of Education's reading list.
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