satanic temple monument in okla may include interactive display for kids - interactive display-ITA

satanic temple monument in okla. may include 'interactive display' for kids - interactive display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-06
satanic temple monument in okla. may include \'interactive display\' for kids  -  interactive display
With ABC News's Anneta Konstantinides setting up a ten-Commandments monument outside the state Capitol in okey, there may soon be some evil companies.
Satanic admirers are seeking to build their own monument in the State Council building, and Lucian Greaves, spokesman for the Satanic Temple, said he was "optimistic" that this would be approved ".
"I really don't see any reason for them to reject this," he told ABC News . ".
The privately funded monument to the Ten Commandments was approved by conservatives.
In 2009, it led the state law agency of orklahe, and in 2012 it was established in the Capitol building.
It has angered opponents since then, and many have questioned the constitutional nature of the monument.
But Greaves believes that it will not have problems as long as the Christian monument does not exist alone.
"I think it's only problematic if the statue exists alone," grifs said . ".
"It will change the dynamics of the monuments we have there.
We do not object to the monument of the Ten Commandments, we are opposed to the Monument of Independence.
Asked what the Satanic monument would be like, Greaves said he didn't want to "reveal too many possible design options" but hinted at his "favorite design", for now, it is an interactive display for children.
"The American Civil Liberties Union has received less acceptance of the existing monument and has filed a lawsuit for its removal.
Ryan Kiesel, executive director of ACLU oklaoma, said in a statement: "The monument's location in the Capitol has created a more divided and hostile state for many okramans.
"When the government really puts a faith on a pedestal, it sends a strong message to the orkama people of other faiths that they are not equal.
But Greaves said he believed the monument from the temple of Satan would be renewed
Declaring that "we all have a voice" in this country of religious diversity ". "State Rep.
Mike Ritze, a Republican representing the 80 th District of Oklahoma City, took the lead in efforts to create the Ten Commandments monument.
Ritze's family also helped pay $10,000 for the construction.
Ritze was unable to comment due to the upcoming ACLU litigation.
Although it will be the first of its kind monument to the temple of Satan, the group has been actively promoting the public display of religion in the past.
In February, the temple held its first large rally in support of the Florida government.
Rick Scott signed a bill to allow students to participate
Leaders pray in the state's public schools.
"The Temple of Satan embraces the free expression of religion, and Satans are happy to express their support for Rick Scott, who . . . . . .
In a statement announcing the rally on February, the temple said: "affirmed the freedom of our Americans to openly practice their faith, allowing our Satanic children to pray at school . ".
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