the division 2’s endgame feels like it’s starting to come apart at the seams - online drawing boar

the division 2’s endgame feels like it’s starting to come apart at the seams - online drawing board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-09
the division 2’s endgame feels like it’s starting to come apart at the seams  -  online drawing board
I 've been trying to figure out the current issue with the second part I want to write, but I feel like there are too many issues the game is currently dealing with and I can't just pick one
The launch of the second sector seems to be a solid ending.
When you beat the main campaign and opened up a whole new world of possibilities, the map was invaded by a whole new force and a new skill tree, opening up specialization for the first time, which was great.
But that was the beginning of the game.
Now that we have gone deep into the "real" ending of the second sector, it feels like it is starting to be unstable.
Not just for one reason, but for a lot of reasons, I'm going to try to line them up here so that I can see the scope of the problem.
Raid is the biggest new addition to the game since its launch, and it's not something that most players can or want to participate in at all, especially on the console.
It's bad enough to manually find a group of eight people, but the dark hours have other problems besides pure difficulties, and Massive says they're not interested in adjusting.
Its reward is not worth the effort, as you spend most of your time beating raids for bragging rights, rather than being an actual and effective source for getting reliable loot.
Forget to build diversity because you have to stack DPS and damage to the elite as much as you can because their boss is very grumpy, which means everyone is racing towards almost the same build.
Massive wants a very hard content and they get it, but most players who want to do something new at the end of the game don't find that raids are what they're asking.
Loot probability when farming the various activities of the department, it is almost impossible to find the loot you want.
In order to get the "perfect" building you want, find a piece of equipment with the talent and benefits you want, in fact, 75,000 cast 1, according to the player who did the math.
Even worse than that, depending on the item.
There are very, very few ways to find specific items or rolls, and there are restrictive calibration systems and useless production on the edges, and once you get to a certain point, loot hunting is more exhausting than exciting.
Gear set, which currently exists in the game, is just . . . . . . Not good.
They are too complex and complex, and in most cases the efficiency of simply stacking gold gears is low.
The 1 gear set is the main component of the final agriculture and construction, yet almost all the gear in the sequel is the inferior version of the gear, and with one or two exceptions they don't seem to be worth farming.
Professional is a good idea in theory, but in practice, people choose the whole major just because they improve your AR damage, or increase the reload speed in one extra benefit, or in another
The iconic weapon is almost entirely a flavor, the ammunition is extremely limited, and the impact is even more limited in the crossfire.
This is a novel concept in theory, and it doesn't work in practice at all.
It's funny to watch the raid team's load in zone 2 because everyone is running Reviver Hive and some kind of treatment in another location.
The whole skill system is completely unfamiliar in zone 2.
In fact, every skill is not motivated enough, it is not helped by the terrible skill mod system, some skills are completely fun (Firefly).
You can spend hundreds of hours building the perfect ballistic shield, and you're still a few miles less efficient than people who just use healing skills to spray LMG.
Personally, it is precisely because of the lack of useful skills, coupled with the lack of useful gear units that the second division now feels not worth playing.
There's a lot of work to do here.
Things started to get strong, but Massive missed a lot of different things here and it was hard to track.
At this point, I don't even care if raid obviously doesn't fit me, I 'd be happy to chase different scenes and builds etc, but depending on the current state of the game, farming consumes more energy than entertainment, the building you can do is not good enough to be pleasant or useful.
Some things have to change.
Or rather, a lot of things have to change and I'm not sure how long it will take.
Simply add another specialization to the mix (
Will happen soon)
It's not going to improve much, and if they want players to stay involved or attract them back, a lot of the need needs to go back to some of the core mechanics of the game.
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