toronto subway art installation halted over profanity concerns - digital display-ITATOUCH-img

toronto subway art installation halted over profanity concerns - digital display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-10
toronto subway art installation halted over profanity concerns  -  digital display
A public art device in Canada has been delayed for fear that it will promote hate speech and blasphemy.
Transport Council of Toronto (TTC)
She declined to open a digital artwork display at a new subway station, which features words entered by commuters.
The decision was made a few days before the opening of the new station because there was concern that commuters might abuse the platform.
The artist behind the project said that TTC's alternative solution was inconsistent with the information installed. The C$500,000 ($399,000; £294,500)
Installing a device called light spell will allow commuters to type 8-letter words -
Special characters and numbers included
On the keyboard terminal.
This information will then appear on the digital display of the entire station.
The German art studio reality: union behind the project called the work "super sculpture", which is both a functional indoor lighting device and an art device at Pioneer Village station. "Any wording -
No matter how rude, stupid, rude
"It will inevitably also be a light source to meet the needs of other waiting people," the studio said on its website . ".
"Require everyone to overwrite, correct, or answer an existing message.
Messages may be deleted after 10 seconds or the last few weeks.
This article is an experiment of public interaction ".
Traffic Authority spokesman Stuart Green said on Thursday that the transportation authority's main concern was hate speech, a question raised when testing artwork a few weeks before the station opened.
Although some issues have been discussed before, he said, due to TTC's focus on completing the main work of $3, "Public Art issues have become secondary ".
Metro extension 2bn
TTC proposes two solutions to the problem of corruption: one is a blacklist with automatic forbidden words, and the other is to allow only pre-
Approval text to be posted.
Tim Adler, one of Berlin
The artist behind the project says his opposition to the blacklist is impractical and "is wrong from a conceptual point of view ".
He thinks the whitelist proposal is "more like North Korea than Canada ".
But Adler said the debate was going on and he was "a little happy" because the artwork itself was about navigating free speech in the digital world.
He believes that the transport authorities can still be persuaded to open the installation and run the "experiment ".
"Hopefully within a year we can find someone we can trust," he said . "
While the ultimate goal is to open the installation, TTC is considering other options, Mr Green said.
The matter will be referred to the TTC committee on January 18.
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