wisconsin historical society shares vision for $120m museum - interactive display-ITATOUCH-img

wisconsin historical society shares vision for $120m museum - interactive display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-07
wisconsin historical society shares vision for $120m museum  -  interactive display
Imagine, in front of divers exploring the shipwreck in menxian county, watching an American Indian describe how to harvest a wild boar and climb up the antique of Oscar Mayer widenimmobile, then eat dishes from all over the state at a classic Wisconsin dinner club.
Or take a look at Abraham Lincoln's shawl, a handwritten letter from Thomas Jefferson suggesting that Merriwether Lewis and William Clark later explore the continent, or the original screenplay of "Citizen Kane" and "Gone With the Wind.
"All in one place.
After 20 years of planning, the new vision of $0. 12 billion, $100,000-square-
The foot of the Wisconsin Historical Society Museum in the city center is being formed, driven by unprecedented outreach efforts to the statewide community, the American Indian tribe and generations.
State, Historical Society, developer Hovde Properties and landowner Fred Mohs have long seen a part of the front of the Capitol Square and maintained the status quo, the under-sized museum and the surrounding Properties for Joint Reconstruction, this is probably the biggest project in urban history with a total cost of nearly $0. 255 billion.
The museum more than doubles the existing exhibition space and offers flexible spaces for study, meetings and parties, all equipped with national facilitiesof-the-
Art and Technology will occupy the lower floors of reconstruction.
Hovde-9000 to $0. 135 billion
According to the Wisconsin Daily, the Mohs private project, which provides 200,000 to 250,000 square feet of commercial space and housing, will exceed some of the venues and reach the height limit of the State Council.
The project has been put on hold, but in early 2018 the State Department informed the historical society that if it could raise $50 million, the state would provide the museum with the remaining $70 million. Gov.
Tony ayvers put $70 million into the project in the proposed 2019
Although the budget committee of the Legislature needs approval, the capital budget.
Of the $0. 12 billion, $100 million will be spent on the construction of museums and the rest will be used for donations and the transition from existing facilities to new ones.
It is expected that about 150,000 people will be attracted each year, and the number of students will double to 50,000, eventually showing the association's largest cultural relics and the world.
Class collection and allow real
Learn from time distances around the state through new digital tools.
Former governor, Republican Tommy Thompson, and Democrat Jim Doyle, as co-participants in the fundraising campaign, highlighted its broad appealchairs.
"The project has a good, strong bipartisan commitment because Wisconsin deserves such a museum," Doyle said . ".
Thompson added: "It's time to build this museum.
The Historical Society declined to say how much money was raised.
But Christian Overland, director of the Historical Society, said: "We are ready.
"It's time for Wisconsin, too," he said . ".
Today, the Historical Society, founded in 1846, has one of the country's largest collections of historical assets in North America, with 12 museums and sites.
But its flagship museum is located at 42,000-square-
The foot front Wolff Kubly hardware store building is at 30 N. Carroll St. since 1984.
The museum attracts 77,000 visitors every year, including 23,000 children in school.
Exhibition space is only 17,000 square feet, 10-
Foot ceiling, half the ideal height.
No loading dock.
When students arrive or leave, the lobby in front may get stuck, and society sometimes refuses school groups because of lack of space.
There are only two slow elevators and four bathrooms in the building, with a total of eight stalls. A 1,200-square-
The foot area behind the main table is an exhibition, lunch and programming space, and when using the movie screen, there is a large pillar in the middle of the room blocking the view.
The building lacks a broad view and is a must-have for modern museums.
Limited seating space.
There are very few windows to see the Capitol building across the street.
All artifacts or exhibits must go through the front door, which means that society cannot display large items like Wienermobile and must strictly limit the number and size of exhibits displayed or traveling.
Many of the most precious properties in society cannot be displayed because they will be damaged by inadequate lighting and lack of environmental control.
To shape this new museum, Overland said, the association is seeking a wide range of voices through community activities, contacts with American Indian tribes and contacts with ethnic minorities and youth.
The simple theme, he says, is: "What makes Wisconsin?
For example, at a hearing at a superior, there was a strong feeling about shipping and maritime heritage in the area.
But the speaker also wanted to talk about how iron ore shipped from the region helped build a democratic arsenal during World War II.
In La Cros, residents emphasized their deep feelings for the Mississippi River.
Tribal members say they want to tell about their sovereignty and the history of ancestral lands and play a role in welcoming visitors to the museum.
Ultimately, it is expected that 5,000 people will be affected by the association's outreach efforts.
"It's not just bricks and mortar," said Overland.
"This is 72 counties.
We are trying to find the real soul of Wisconsin.
Wes Mosman block said: "The emerging concept promises a historical experience that is not available across the state, and a regional appeal that can attract tourists from places like Chicago and Twin Cities, chief operating officer of the Association
The interior design is designed by Gallagher and Associates, an international renowned cultural institution design company, and its clients include the Smithsonian Institution, Gettysburg Museum, World War II National Museum, Grammy Museum, Reagan Presidential Library and Museum.
"The new Wisconsin museum of history will be a profound statement of the value of history to the community," said Patrick Gallagher . ".
"Understanding the Past creates a path to guide and understand the future.
Wisconsin's rich and diverse culture has made the state a model for the country.
"The center will be two-story, 360-
The degree multimedia experience space will introduce guests to the core topics they will find throughout museums and more.
A series of digital screens will be arranged in the room to provide customized presentations, from customized greetings for primary school groups to dynamic presentations for evening events.
For special events, the big screen can provide real
Time Visuals from social underwater archaeologists, curators working in the wild, or Native Americans displaying crafts, who can also interact with audiences in rooms and remote areas (including classrooms.
"They will feel like the whole state is connected," Overland said . ".
The theme gallery will include a "lab of democracy", a wide window overlooking the Capitol to celebrate the state's political heritage.
It will include the use of the association's archives for digital display on the gallery walls of newspaper headlines --the second-
Largest newspaper collection in North America
Explore topics that visitors can choose from, such as the presidential election.
Other interactive presentations will highlight the changing demographics of the state.
Another gallery on agricultural ingenuity will be redisplayed
Created a canoe centered on harvesting the history of the wild rice tribe, with an interactive component that allows people to stand and sail on a canoe and collect virtual grains using digital map technology.
Other galleries will focus on industrial innovation, including
By Allis, a huge turbine was built for a hydro power plant in Niagara Falls. Chambers Co.
In Milwaukee, with natural resources
Create a wooded coastline and an iconic vacation cabin.
The museum will have a theater at the entrance to each of the major galleries to give guests an idea of what they will see next and can also be used for events, presentations and lectures. At the re-
Created dinner club where guests can learn while eating in a traditional restaurant decorated with artwork from local pubs across the state.
An interactive feature embedded on the table will explore the role of food and drink in Wisconsin.
Guests of the museum will also have the opportunity to share their stories and explore family history. With its 25-foot-
High ceilings, the facility will allow the community to showcase items such as Wienermobile, the first Culver restaurant logo and handmade
Green Bay Packers-themed ice-
The fishing shantytowns are too big for museums to take in.
They are now deposited in the new $46 society.
7 million, 188,000-square-
Located in the foot State Archives preservation facilities near Williamson Street and the River ahasrah, it is located near the east side.
"We want it to be vibrant," Overland said of the new museum.
"It's a way to connect people to history in different ways.
However, many of the wealth of this society comes from outside the country.
The association has the largest collection of published and unpublished materials outside the United States that record North American historyS.
Library of Congress
But so far, many people have never been seen by the public because of the lack of lighting and poor environmental control in the museum.
The sample included a shawl belonging to Abraham Lincoln in 1861;
Artifacts from 1513 are considered the oldest surviving map of any region in North America;
There was also a stone and note thrown into the window of Daisy Bates, an African-American civil rights activist and newspaper publisher who played a key role in the fight against apartheid in Little Rock, Arkansas.
The note written on the match book says, "the next one will be explosives. K. K. K.
Thomas Jefferson's letter to the famous American revolutionary military commander, William Clark Brothers George Rogers Clark, shows that the legendary cross-continent expedition led by Lewis and Clark will eventually become the Pacific coast.
"The letter is not in the Smithsonian Institution or the National Archives . "
"That letter is here.
"The facility will provide new opportunities to showcase the collection of films held in collaboration with the Wisconsin Center for Film and Drama Studies at the University of Wisconsin, one of the largest Hollywood archives in the world.
The new museum, combined with the association's collection and printing capabilities, will allow society to transcend its current role in helping all the fourth --
The state's grade students learn Wisconsin history by helping citizens in class and grade 8and ninth-
Grade introduction to the United StatesS.
History, said onshore.
At present, the museum recommends that adults donate $5, children between the ages of 5 and 12 donate $3, and young children enter the venue free of charge.
Society does not yet know how much it will cost to visit the new facility.
"Our current building is static," Block said . ".
"This allows us to roll out the incredible resources we have.
It makes all the resources available to the organization. We’re the one-
Stop the history of shopping.
"We want people to be shocked," Overland said . ".
From: information from Wisconsin State Magazine, AP member exchange shared by Wisconsin State Magazine.
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