woodstock 50 tickets will go on sale soon

woodstock 50 tickets will go on sale soon ... just ironing out wrinkles!!! - where to buy a smart board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-21
woodstock 50                                       tickets will go on sale soon ...                                      just ironing out wrinkles!!!  -  where to buy a smart board
Woodstock 50 will drop and fans will soon have a chance to buy tickets, but the event organizers insist that they will only need more time to deal with some logistical issues.
TMZ's learned event organizer is waiting for a response from the New York State Department of Health after submitting a large-scale rally permit application submitted on April 15.
DOH confirmed to us that it did receive the application and is completing the review. ICYMI . . .
Woodstock 50 was supposed to start selling tickets on Monday, but when they landed on Woodstock's website all fans received a message. . .
"Tickets are on sale soon.
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Fans panicked that the event could be another nightmare for the Fyre Festival, but that's not the case.
A representative from Woodstock 50 told TMZ that it did delay sales due to its improved logistics plan. What's more . . .
The representative told us that ticket sales information will be obtained through its website in the next few days.
As we reported for the first time. .
The big event, scheduled for August at Watkins Glen, NY, will feature a blend of old and new schools. . . from Jay-
Z, chance rapper, imagine Carlos Santana and dragon and Halsey of the death company.
Woodstock purists are dissatisfied with the lineup, but the cooperation of the event
The creator says they need to overcome it.
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