21 reasons why i hate museums - interactive displays for business-ITATOUCH-img

21 reasons why i hate museums - interactive displays for business

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-13
21 reasons why i hate museums  -  interactive displays for business
You go just because you are told that the tour guide is filled with lists of museums and galleries, each of which is less appealing than the previous one.
After all, this is what wise and sophisticated travelers do.
DK witness guide to Budapest is right on my desk.
In the "at a glance" chapter of the opening, the first section specializes in the "best" museums and galleries of the city.
Forget the beautiful parks, stylish bars and historic bathrooms that tourists really want to do-
The author believes
Spend an unforgettable hour in the excitement of the citya-
Minutes Museum of Ethnography.
With an in-depth look at the guide, you will find more "attractions" that are inconspicuous but not to be missed, such as the Golden Eagle Pharmacy Museum and the Gizi Bajor Memorial Museum.
In their right mind, who would like to spend precious time learning about the life and times of Hungarian actresses? 2.
You'll be more than happy to do other things before you walk in and ask yourself --
Answer honestly
Is this what you really want to do.
I suddenly realized during my recent trip to Florence.
A colleague told me that in any case, I shouldn't have left the city if I didn't go to Uffizi.
But when my friend and I got to the gallery
For lunch, the queue is estimated to last up to 45 minutes.
I was torn, but she simply asked, "What do you really want to do?
"We left the gallery, bought a bottle of red from a nearby deli, pinched several cardboard cups from a cafe, then, in the next few hours, the Arno stared at the old bridge while enjoying the chat.
Great. 3.
There are some decent museums there.
I enjoyed going to the old theater and museum in London Bridge.
The Portsmouth Museum in Oxford is an undisputed gem.
But maybe it's because I found human organs endlessly convincing in pickling cans, trophy scalps and amputations.
On the other hand, ceramics are just dull. As is -
Although this is a point that no doubt will upset many people, including a colleague who urged me to go to Uffizi --religious art.
On a recent trip to Bruges, I visited the groeningemusum of the city.
Its collection is almost entirely a biblical setting for Renaissance and Baroque artists.
Yes, my foundation in art history is very limited, but in my opinion --
I am very adventurous for many others
They all look the same.
I became disinterested in every new room and my stride was stretched. 4.
Because it's considered a museum.
The Keswick Pencil Museum is worth mentioning.
The same is true of Kent's Dog Collar Museum. Read more: the most boring museum in the world.
If you want to see tourists shuffle in a quiet hospital, the atmosphere here will be interesting --
Like corridors, boring security guards, and workplaces waiting to pounce on anyone who dares to laugh, text or eat cookies, the museum is for you. 7.
You don't know what you're looking at unless there are some learned people, museum visitors are very ignorant about Oriental tapestries or ancient Egyptian pottery. Yet museums -
Even the best fund.
Assuming a worrying level of knowledge, provide small information about the pain of the display item.
How many people are going to be written by a "pottery pot, 1200-1300, Russia"?
There is no real clue even the staff.
As early as 2005, street artist Banksy hung a fake prehistoric rock painting on the wall of the British Museum, drawing a cave man with a shopping cart.
Three days passed and no one noticed. 8.
Joanna Simmons of the Daily Telegraph believes that interactive displays are useless and often there is confusion to justify the extension of grant funds, and so do they, usually led by a group of scary children.
So don't go in and see, don't get bored.
If you really go [
Interactive Display
Shallow and irrelevant-
So no one learned anything.
And control gets dirty and tricky due to too much CocaCola fingers. " 9.
Screaming kids running, screaming, picking their noses is usually a hassle. 10.
Their parents
But very irritating.
Explain the presentation loudly and patronize "Hugo, isn't that fun ". 11.
There is no fun for adults, why is innovation only available for young tourists?
Do they really believe that adults will be fully entertained by neatly arranged pewter spoons? 12.
They are very much too crowded because most people are on the straight line of the only painting they have ever heard of, resulting in a scene like this: the Louvre (Photo: Getty)13.
They spent a lot of money on public funds. Some major institutions in the UK, such as the British Museum and the Museum of Natural History, usually receive about £ 40 a year from taxpayers.
Yes, they offer a wider range of economic benefits, but that makes it a bit empty for those who brag about "free" access to the ring. 14.
Tickets are expensive. Even so, visitors to the 9/11 museum in New York will have to pay $24 (£14. 40)
For this privilege, the Vatican Museums in Rome cost € 16. 00 (£12. 80)
Entrance to the Winter Palace in Amsterdam is 15 euros (£12).
The high entrance fee for the special exhibition of London's "free" museum is also worth mentioning.
Henry Matisse: Clip
For example, the Outs currently in Tate Modern need an eyewatering £18 (
Or a £ 16 discount). 15.
For example, most items are invisible and only one of the 8 million items in the British Museum collection is on display.
If they give back those pesky marbles, there will be more space. . . 16.
There was even a Museum Selfie Day last year where people started taking selfies.
Museum Selfie
Photo: @ Langaround)17.
It's all on the Internet, and in any case, the wonderful Google Art project means that you can watch thousands of masterpieces from galleries around the world in amazing high resolution without encountering the aforementioned selfies --takers. 18.
The gift shop and cafe are rubbish.
Any travel is incomplete if not required to exit through the gift shop, where you can choose to purchase over-priced postcards and fancy mugs.
Even the 9/11 Memorial Museum couldn't help but offer some tasteless souvenirs, such as a lovely "search and rescue fluffy dog" in the United States"
Cheese platter (
Marked with the heart symbol of the crashed location of the hijacked aircraft)
And a commemorative umbrella of 9/11 (
"Use this foldable umbrella to show your support for the 9/11 Memorial. . . ")
The first time I opened it19.
Sometimes the work is fake (
In China anyway)
Earlier this year, the Lucheng Museum in Liaoning province, China, was investigated by police, who found thousands of counterfeit goods out of 8,000 items they collected.
60 million yuan last year (£6. 4 million)
The jimbaizhai museum in the northern city of Jizhou, Hebei province, is closed because many of its cultural treasures are actually forged.
One of the most striking mistakes is the cultural relics engraved with words, which are said to be traced back to the Chinese emperor's time more than 4,000 years ago.
However, according to the Shanghai Daily, this writing method appeared in simplified Chinese characters and was not widely used until the 20 th century.
The collection also included "tang" five
Although the technology was invented in the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years later, the colored porcelain vase.
It is reported that the owner of the museum later died of "anger-induced heart-attack”.
An exhibition at the bao Baozhai Museum closed last year.
Bennett Newman's "modern" costs $44 (Photo: Getty)21.
Funny man Ray L'Enigme d'Isidore Dukas (
Photo: Tate Modern
Read more: The worst art in the world?
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