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5 tips for choosing the right tablet - best tablet for sketching

by:ITATOUCH     2020-05-17
5 tips for choosing the right tablet  -  best tablet for sketching
Since Apple launched the iPad in early 2010, the tablet market has come a long way.
While the iPad was not the first tablet to be invented, its stylish design and successful marketing quickly made it a must-have for the year --
The huge popularity of IPad and iPad 2 has helped tablets become the fastest growing part of the PC market [source: Indvik].
Today, at least a dozen different manufacturers offer different tablet models, although all of these options are a good thing, it can also make it impossible to choose the right tablet.
With so many tablets on the market, there must be tablets that suit your needs and budget, but how do you find the one that best suits you?
Read on and learn five tips on how we choose the right tablet.
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