a baseball exhibit that both casual and die-hard fans will appreciate - interactive display-ITATOU

a baseball exhibit that both casual and die-hard fans will appreciate - interactive display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-06
a baseball exhibit that both casual and die-hard fans will appreciate  -  interactive display
From its folk heroes to its eccentric tradition, baseball has a long and powerful place in the American imagination.
A new exhibition at the Library of Congress looks at the game's rich history and cultural touchstones that reinforce its position as a national entertainment.
Just in time for all of MLB-Star Game (
Tuesday at Nats Park)
"Baseball America" enters the library's extensive collection
Curator Susan reborn said: "The Secret sports archives of the National premiere"
Cultural Exploration of the game.
The exhibition displays artifacts and documents that are not visible elsewhere, providing a thoughtful and interesting perspective for baseball's connection to American life.
"As you know, there is magic when you walk into the baseball field.
We hope that you will get some of the same feelings when you experience this exhibition, "said Kara Hayden, a library member of Congress.
Explore the history of the game with photos, baseball cards and other items detailing the rules of the game and traditional evolution.
For example, the American version of "a little beautiful pocket book" from 1787 includes the first known baseball printing reference in the United States.
"It shows that baseball has become part of our identity as the United States develops," Reburn said . ".
The handwritten "basic law of the ball" in 1857 is considered the founding document of the game, on display with the shoes of Babe Ruth, the letter written by Jackie Robinson, there are also many historical photos and recent video clips.
The show shows 32 artifacts rented by the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, as well as TV and movie clips
From "cheering" to "their own alliance "--
Emphasize the distance of baseball
To show the game's focus on statistics, ESPN's statistics and information team selected the archives of the library and created an interactive trivia question and history comparison presentation that should attract leisure and deathhard fans.
"I hope you can see things that you have never seen anywhere else," Reburn said . ".
"Even a fan of monster sticks will learn something new.
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