a polished surface - wacom digital pen

by:ITATOUCH     2020-05-17
a polished surface  -  wacom digital pen
The Windows device is a working computer, a gaming tablet, and, most uniquely, a portable sketchbook for artists.
We like to do three things with computers: playing games, drawing comics and "working ". ” (
When the boss watches programming, when not online. )
This explains why Microsoft Surface Pro has become one of our favorite gadgets --
This is a Windows 8 PC/tablet with a digital pen that we can take with us. We love it!
This is not perfect, though.
Pro can't compete with iPad in terms of ease of use, if you want to play some heavy games like, Far Cry 3.
However, career is an amazing jack for some type of Geekof-all-trades —
This is a computer for work, a light game platform, and (
Our favorite point)
The artist's digital sketchbook.
Want to know more?
This is our professional impression!
Every time we talk about careers, everyone asks us two basic questions. The first one is: What is this?
In essence, Pro is a complete
Windows 8 PC with tablet portability.
Although it is twice the thickness of the iPad (27. 5 x 17. 3 x 13cm)
The weight is quite light, about 910 grams.
One of its key highlights is the touch screen with Wacom technology.
If you have an artistic inclination, you can happily draw and draw your inner content using the digital pen that comes with the Pro.
We'll discuss the second issue later, but first let's see what Suface Pro can doand can’t —do very well.
Pro has 4 gb ram, third
Intel i5 processor, single fullsized USB 3.
Port 0 with 64 gb or 128 GB storage (
Depends on the model you get)
So it can run whatever you throw on it.
Word processing?
It's easy.
We are writing this review using Pro. Programming?
Of course, we have installed Java JDK and WAMP servers. Web surfing?
Come on, you don't even have to ask.
We used Pro comfortably for all of these activities and the battery can last us for four to five hours. Games?
Okay, there are some things to note.
We played a lot of games on it, including my world, Fortress, Magic 2014, Monaco: Yours is Mine, D & D: my(
We love you, Steam. )
Some of our games can be played entirely on the touch screen, but to be honest, Pro's optional keycap is mandatory and sold separately if you're interested in the game.
Pro-there are two connectable keyboard Caps
Flat, pressure-
Sensitive touch cover and I-have-actual-
Button Type Cover.
When combined with the built-in Pro
In the stand, these keyboards allow you to convert the tablet functionality into a laptop.
Now, have you noticed anything missing from the game we installed?
If you say "any game that uses a lot of 3D" then you win 10 puzzles --
Solve the picnic! (
Sorry, game joke. )
Pro's Intel HD 4000 graphics system makes running almost any first/third-
The shooter began with the initial end of the day.
Hell, we tried to install it because 2-
It came out in 2006.
Even if most of the visual settings are turned off, it can only run in stuttering.
With regard to the artFortunately part, Pro's graphics system perfectly plays its role as a sketchbook.
We installed Photoshop elements on our Pro, which allows us to take it out whenever we want to doodle a cartoon or draw a comic.
The drawing on the surface is smooth and the computer is very responsive, but to take full advantage of the stress-sensitive nature of the pen, we strongly recommend that you install the Wacom WinTab driver first.
Here are: bit. ly/1adm2mY (Under the tablet)or here: bit. ly/YIqQ2a.
We did something very interesting: we used the Surface's two 720 p cameras to take photos of friends and then used them as a reference for the comics.
We just hope that we can install drivers to improve our drawing capabilities;
Now our friends are kind of Doraemon.
The Sketchbook feature is actually our Pro-
When Mike Krahulik of Penny Arcade started drawing some comics with it, it first aroused our interest.
If you really don't like painting, then don't worry, there's another use for a digital pen. The Pro’s hi-
Res 1,920x1,080-
The pixel screen is combined with the Windows 8 desktop environment, causing the icon/button on the screen to be too small to click accurately with your finger.
Happily, this pen is easy to solve this accuracy problem.
On that note, Achilles' heels and evil twins, iconsare-too-small-to-tap-using-
The finger problem actually shows some limitations of Pro.
Because the device spans the line between a tablet and a computer, it is not as good as a dedicated machine for any home in some areas.
First of all, it can take a few seconds to get the surface out of sleep mode, not close to sleep mode
Instant awakening of the IPad. For another —
This is strange-
In terms of where you can place it, Pro is not as flexible as a laptop.
Of course, as a tablet, you can use the surface when you are lying in bed, but if you are sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, the support of the professional --and-bendy-
The keyboard anatomy is not suitable to sit comfortably on your legs.
Also, the stand ensures that you can't really change the angle of the screen as if you were using a laptop.
Still, these are all small complaints and the Surface Pro is still an amazingRound machine.
Just make sure you don't confuse the Pro with the brother of its feature challenge, the cheaper Surface RT.
Not to mention, this is our super.
Short comment on Surface RT: really terrible.
It doesn't have the full functionality of the PC, so you can't even install the PC game on it.
If you're even thinking about Surface RT, then our suggestion is to spend extra cash on getting Pro (64GB)instead.
Before summing up, we said everyone was asking us two basic questions about Microsoft Surface Pro, the second one: Should I get it?
Our answer iscaps YES! . . .
With a small disclaimer: If you are already a mature Mac user, then you may be more comfortable with your MacBook Air if you are looking for portability and power.
If you are a professional artist with a large budget, you may have targeted the Wacom Cintiq, a luxury car that draws a tablet.
If you're more interested in playing the next Duty summoning game than a small indie game then you still need a full onespec-
Ed gaming platform, not the PC you can carry with you.
However, if you are a geek and just want a light, fully functional computer, you can work around with it or play some light games;
If you're an artist who wants to move a digital sketchbook,
Then you will find that Microsoft Surface Pro is a good platform.
Professional: Powerful Portable Jackof-
All industries of work and entertainment.
Cons: Can't run heavier games. Surface Pro(Microsoft)
Operating system: Windows 8 Processor: Intel i5Graphics: 4000 memory for Intel HD Graphics: 4 GB RAMDisplay: 10. 6in (1,960 x 1,080-pixels)
Touch screen Storage: 64 gb/128 GB connection: WiFi, Bluetooth 3. 0,one full-sized USB 3.
0. features of microSDXC slutusser: digital pen, 2 1.
HD camera 2MP 720 p (front and back)Size: 27. 5 x 17.
Weight: 910 GPRS ice: RM2, 749.
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