a rare and unusual cause of mammographic calcification in the breast - interactive digital board-I

a rare and unusual cause of mammographic calcification in the breast - interactive digital board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-13
a rare and unusual cause of mammographic calcification in the breast  -  interactive digital board
Clinical problem A 45-year-
In family history screening, calcium stoves were found in the upper lateral quadrant of the right breast of elderly women.
A diagnostic McMurray biopsy was performed.
Check out interactive digital slides and consider your diagnosis and proper management.
What is your diagnosis?
The collagen ball flat epithelial cells with psammoma tumor-type calcium ring are not typical, and parasitic insects with lactic acid changes infect spherical starch-like clinical problems A 45-year-
In family history screening, calcium stoves were found in the upper lateral quadrant of the right breast of elderly women.
A diagnostic McMurray biopsy was performed.
Check out interactive digital slides and consider your diagnosis and proper management.
What is your diagnosis?
Parasitic infection with lactose-like flat epithelial cells of collagen ball with psammoma-like calcification Botox treatment Edit Iskander chaudhry
Both authors approved the final manuscript.
There is no competitive interest.
The source of the entrustment and peer review;
Internal peer review.
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