airport to have digital display boards | coimbatore news - times of india - digital display board

airport to have digital display boards | coimbatore news - times of india - digital display board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-06
airport to have digital display boards | coimbatore news - times of india  -  digital display board
COIMBATORE: Coimbatore Airport will soon install a digital flight information display system on departure and arrival to the Bay.
The work of installing the board will be rewarded in three weeks.
Peter Abraham, director of Coimbatore Airport, said the delay was due to the award of tenders at nearly six airports in the country.
In response to a letter from the Coimbatore residents' awareness Association (RAAC)
The director of the airport, who asked for a digital display board for the public, said he had not forgotten to install the digital display board.
However, the second proposal made by RAAC was rejected by the airport director.
RAAC recommends installing a luggage counter similar to Hyderabad airport in Coimbatore that will show the first and last luggage uploaded to the plane and placed on the transport conveyor belt
This is very helpful for passengers waiting to pick up their luggage.
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