ap gets four digital classrooms in three districts - digital board for classroom-ITATOUCH-img

ap gets four digital classrooms in three districts - digital board for classroom

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-12
ap gets four digital classrooms in three districts  -  digital board for classroom
Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh)[India], Feb 4 (ANI)
: Andhra Pradesh, under its flagship social initiative, Andhra Pradesh Janmabhoomi, has four digital classrooms in three regions of the state.
"The inauguration ceremony was held on Saturday by collectors in the Nellore district and district education officials in the Nellore district.
Shri Venkat Veerapaneni and Shri Venkat Vardinenei of Dargamitta, Nellore District donated two digital classrooms.
A digital classroom MPPS Movva is donated by Shri Satish Vemuri, village of Movva, Krishna district.
A digital classroom is the area of the donated Supreme Anamolu Satyannarayana and Shri Anamolu Balamurali gontul.
The initiative aims to improve the educational infrastructure of public schools through the use of digital literacy.
It also involves
Residents of India (NRIs)
This is a contribution to promote national progress and measures are being taken to provide digital assistance to these government schools in order to maintain a balance in this regard.
The project aims to help schools in Andhra Pradesh adopt a technology
Learning environment, so that students can learn and perform better.
AP Janmabhoomi initiative recognizes the importance of digital empowerment in today's era and aims to leverage tools such as interactive whiteboards to allow schools to provide exciting, effective and comprehensive classroom learning experiences, digital content and classroom software for students.
The program is also committed to providing digital content from leading English and Telugu service providers.
These digital classrooms are in the Mandal Praia parrishod school in the village of Mova in the quisna district, the perekara school in the guntour district, and the Daga in The Nellore District
American resident Jayaram Komati, a special representative of the Associated Press government responsible for the Associated Press Janmabhoomi initiative, said that by the end of this year, 2,500 classrooms will be digitized.
D. attended the inauguration ceremony by public delegates
Venkata Swamy, Sarpanch, M.
Rajesh, regional constituency of Mandal Parishad (MPTC)
Sambasiva Rao, district government District (ZPTC)and P.
Vijaya Kumari, education officer, Mandal (MEO). (ANI)
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