apple plans laptop upgrades to take on microsoft - touch screen keyboard-ITATOUCH-img

apple plans laptop upgrades to take on microsoft - touch screen keyboard

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-08
apple plans laptop upgrades to take on microsoft  -  touch screen keyboard
Apple Inc.
Plans to announce an update to its laptop range at the app developer's annual meeting in early June could help offset new competition from Microsoft
IPad sales are also declining.
According to people familiar with the matter, Apple plans to launch three new laptops.
The MacBook Pro will get a faster Kaby Lake processor from Intel.
People familiar with the matter who asked to discuss internal planning anonymously said.
Apple is also developing a new version of 12-
Inch MacBook with faster Intel chips.
The company is also considering an update 13-
One of the people familiar with the matter said that as sales of Apple's cheapest laptops remained surprisingly strong, inch MacBook Air with new processors.
Apple and Intel declined to comment.
The Mac lineup has only created 11% of Cupertino, California.
The company's annual sales are $216 billion, and the iPhone accounts for almost two-
Thirty in total.
But Macs is the key to retaining creators and creative industries ---
Under Jobs's leadership, Apple is the cornerstone of its resurgence at the turn of the millennium.
The MacBook update will also be an important moment for the iPhonemaker.
This month, Microsoft
Launched the Surface Laptop, which starts in seconds, has a touch screen and runs on a more stable version of Windows.
It is widely believed that Microsoft's first real laptop is a viable rival to the MacBook Air.
By updating the computer, Apple may weaken the competition and continue the recent development of Mac.
In the second quarter, the company sold four.
With 2 million desktops and laptops, revenue on Macs is up 14% from the same period last year.
A person familiar with the matter said that the updated MacBook Pro looks roughly the same as the latest model and has a very different internal architecture.
While it's not clear if it's ready for this generation, Apple has been working hard to develop new products
Future MacBook Pro model internal chip for managing the low end of the computer
According to Bloomberg News, power mode.
The planned upgrade will not mark a big step forward for the Apple notebook series, but they will show the company's dedication to the products that Mac faithful has criticized in the past few years.
It's been almost seven years since Apple last redesigned the MacBook Air.
The latest MacBook Pro, released more than 500 days after its predecessor, added a touch screen keyboard bar for quick access to app features, larger trackpad and fingerprint logs --in sensor.
Apple updated 12 last time-
In the spring of 2016, the MacBook Air introduced the rose gold color scheme, while the MacBook Air has not been able to get a speed increase since 2015.
The booth for Mac updates is not limited to laptops.
Apple's desktops are also lagging behind, and earlier this year, Apple promised to release major upgrades for Mac Pro and iMac in the future to provide better specs for expert users.
Since Apple launched the Mac Pro in June and updated the MacBook Air, it has not announced the upgrade of hardware at the developer conference in 2013.
In addition to the new Macs launched this year, Apple may also announce the launch of an upgraded version of the macOS operating system.
At last year's meeting, the company announced the Sierra operating system, which added support for Siri, Apple Pay and iMessage improvements.
Apple usually launches a new Mac software upgrade in the fall.
For more information about Apple, check out the decrypted podcast :-
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