artist-mom's beautiful photos blast her baby into outer space - drawing tablet

by:ITATOUCH     2020-04-04
artist-mom\'s beautiful photos blast her baby into outer space  -  drawing tablet
How do you take your baby into space?
Laurel Morley figured out how to do that and then some.
Molly recorded her son Henry's imaginary adventures on Instagram (
@ Venturesofhenryb).
Some images are more fanciful and some are more realistic, but their originality and decoration are unusual.
Her inspiration behind the photo is simple: "Like any new parent, I think he is the most beautiful child ever, and therefore, since he was born, I take dozens of pictures of him every day, "she said.
Apart from being a brandnew, first-
Time mom, Molly is a talented designer and photographer who also studied painting when she graduated from her undergraduate course.
"One day, when I loaded Henry's photos onto my laptop and started scribbling on it, all these experiences came together and a new project was born! " she said.
"In the chaos of parenting and working life, it's actually relaxing to have something just for fun.
"This is where everything starts.
Henry was sent into space since then. . .
Win over swaddles. . .
The cutest burrito in the worldExtra avocado sauce). . .
The Super Bowl is full of Lady Gaga. . .
Pay tribute to David Bowie in one of the most unique ways. . .
Become the next generation ". . .
Play banjo and sing "Rainbow Connection ". . . . . .
"This is Sparta ! "" (
Or something like that. )
Bonus Round: Henry scored on a homemade Tetris quilt.
If you're interested in making similar photos of your little muse, Molly explains her process: first, she takes pictures when Henry lies down or falls asleep. (
These are iPhone pictures).
The painting is determined by what Henry may be doing.
She then uses Photoshop and Wacom's digital drawing tablet to add an illustration layer to the original photo.
If you want to take a look at Molly's other work, check out her sweet blog, or the sweeter recipe for her coconut lime gin (yes, please! ).
Photo of Laurel Morley.
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