bill gates is revolutionizing how history is taught, and we went to a poor nyc high school to see it in action - smart electronic whiteboard

by:ITATOUCH     2020-03-18
bill gates is revolutionizing how history is taught, and we went to a poor nyc high school to see it in action  -  smart electronic whiteboard
Julian, a Melia Robinson/Business insi high school student in Brooklyn, raised his hand to speak in the grand history class at the Brooklyn Cooperative research school.
Brian, a teenager from Brooklyn, says his history class has changed his understanding of the universe.
"It's not like a normal history.
"This is not what this guy did at this time," he said '. ".
"But now I can say that I care about the Big Bang --
If it's true
Or I care about the stars.
Because we are from Stardust.
It makes you feel cool.
You feel connected to the universe.
"Brian's school, the Brooklyn Cooperative Research School, is one of the 1,200 high schools in the world that offer rich history, a radical new method of teaching world history that attracts attention in the education sector.
In addition to its split teaching methods, this course has become a hot spot
Thanks to Bill Gates, its main investor.
Melia Robinson/Business insidderbrooklyn of the Brooklyn Institute of cooperative research is the second year of teaching great history.
The great history, created by historian David Christian, replaced the linear narrative of history with a holistic approach, combining disciplines such as biology, chemistry, geology, astronomy, psychology and philosophy allows students to better understand the human narrative and its place in it.
The curriculum is based on collective learning. The concept of collective learning is that we learn not as individuals, but on the basis of collective learning.
Christian, 67, is a young professor at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. The cross-
The disciplined nature of the great history has attracted his students, who are tired of memories --
Oversubscribed according to history and annual courses.
Soon, teachers from all over the world called to ask how similar measures could be implemented.
On 2005, Christian recorded all 48 lectures in a small studio outside Washington.
It is not flashy.
Christian, an Australian chip worker with several gray hairs around his ears and a permanent smirk on his face, stood in front of a brick wall decorated with plastic ivy and spoke to the cameraHourly increment.
The Teaching Company released their DVD as a "great course" series in early 2008.
David Christian, the father of the history of TED speech, spoke in 2011 TED speech.
According to the New York Times on October, fortunately, billionaire tech tycoon Bill Gates watched a dvd while exercising on a treadmill in his gym. He was sold.
Shortly after, Gates met with Christian and agreed to adapt a great history for the high school mind and share it across the United States.
Gates himself offered $10 million to fund curriculum development, teacher training and content creation, including a dynamic primary source that provides video, audio, and replaces traditional textbooks.
According to the organizers of the Big History Program, since 2008, the curriculum has grown to 15,000 high school students in 1,200 schools around the world.
By the fall of 2015, it will be available in hundreds of classrooms, and the University of California network program replaces world history.
Still, many are unhappy that America's richest people are funding such dramatic changes in the way history is taught.
Scott L: "He's really not an expert in the eyes of critics . "
Thomas, Dean of the School of Educational Studies at Claremont Graduate School in California, told the New York Times.
"He happened to be someone who watched the DVD and thought it was a good idea and had a lot of money to fund it.
"I visited the Brooklyn Cooperative Research School, one of the four schools in New York City that offer a rich history to watch the activities of the class.
Beautiful Yachen/business InsiderA corridor for collaborative research at Brooklyn College.
At first glance, the Brooklyn Cooperative Research School (BCS)
Looks like no cuttingedge.
Located on Red Hook, an island, low
The school, which is interrupted by public transport, is one of the most racially diverse public high schools in New York City.
70% of students are eligible for reduced or free school lunches
It shows that their families are suffering from extreme poverty.
This facility is very small. it only accounts for three Cinderella.
The walls of the lobby and the smell of cat litter.
During class, the students walked around with a bathroom pass just to pass the time.
Occasionally, the teacher or administrator will reach out from the door of the classroom to ask what they are doing.
However, there is a classroom at the end of the hall, which is buzzing excitedly.
The topic of today's discussion is: "Why did mankind create a historical narrative?
In particular, teacher Scott hensterland is asking, what motivates DreamWorks to create an animated film about a knight's family, not another princess or superhero children's movie, crocodile?
Watching the student debate is sitting in front-
Boating in the tennis match.
They watch the rattle while following the jargony phrase-
"I kind of disagree with Anthony because I don't think it's a point of view and I think it's an educational inference," said one girl . "
Every sentence
They are passionate even if their contributions lack substance or grace.
Words such as "Goldilock condition", "claim"
Testers "and other big historical vernacular enter the conversation easily.
Melia Robinson/Business insidderayana in Brooklyn says she loves big history because "there is no wrong answer.
When Henstrand heard Ayana, a petite girl, the beginning of each sentence tends to "I agree ["or disagree]
Because, "using some of Christian's language in the discussion, he clapped his hands together.
After 22 years as a teacher, hentland asked again: why does DreamWorks make "crocodiles "?
Students speculate.
Do they teach the children about our ancestors in a fun and engaging way, so "not as boring as the original file "?
Or is the purpose of this film to negate the religious beliefs of young people and give them a more scientific view of the dawn of humanity?
Then another student introduced some cynicism in the discussion.
"They might sit down at a meeting and say 'We need to make a movie that every child wants to see, '" she suggested '. ".
"The main reason is for money, not for educating children.
Henstrand returned to the smart whiteboard, the electronic whiteboard, after a quick search to the class, "Croods" reported revenue of $0. 135 billion, with global revenue of more than $0. 5 billion.
"The total budget for our school for a year is $6 million," says hensterland . ".
"Just want to put it outside.
Brendan tataixi, Melissa Robinson/Business Insider teacher (left)
Leadership discussion in the first
Part of the Big History.
Like Gates, Huntland stumbled upon history.
He saw David Christian's TED talk and thought it was very neat and decided to show it in his biology class where he was replaced --
Teaching the next day.
The students are crazy about it.
There is no date, battle or name to remember.
This is a story about the human experience seen through multiple lenses.
At their tip, hunsterland came into contact with the major history of bringing the course to BCS.
At that time, the class was in the pilot phase and was being used and fined
Only seven teachers adjusted.
Hunsterland entered the next wave of implementation with 60 teachers.
"I am a teacher of earth science," said hensterland, a senior at the public school system in New York City.
From grade 1 to Grade 12 he is teaching and the creases after he has lost weight
The glasses that show it are rimmed.
"Big History brings every subject.
Science has become another medium for understanding history, which has aroused a deep resonance [with me]
Said hensterland.
"Usually, it's hard to build deep connections when you're in a content area.
All of this requires at least getting people to understand the human narrative.
"It's like a gift to me," he said . "
"I can teach this class and run around.
Melia Robinson/Business Insider Scott Henstrand is a master teacher in the great history of the Brooklyn Institute of cooperative research.
There are no two schools that teach the same history, says hensterland.
Over the past few years, he and a team of three history teachers have developed a class version suitable for their students.
BCS divides the Big History course into two years, which is unusual for this project: the big history of freshman I and the Big History II of sophomore.
They are required courses;
Soon after the first year of teaching Big History, the school decided not to provide global history.
According to President Scill Chan, this is an easy choice. “[Students]
These global survey courses on dates, battles, numbers and big names are getting used to, "she said.
"But, if you ask anyone, it's not the type of knowledge they keep or the type of knowledge that is useful in their professional life.
"Or, the great history teaches students to be curious, empathize with the views of others, and defend their arguments.
It seems to have had a positive impact so far.
First of all, the writing level of the students seems to be greatly improved.
By the middle of the year, hensterland said, more and more students had used evidence in their papers to support claims.
Although the full results of the broader survey have not yet been released, a representative of a large historical project said the preliminary results were promising.
Melia Robinson/Business insider of the Brooklyn Cooperative Research Institute graduated from nearly nine out of ten.
Although students face obstacles in family life, BCS has a remarkable graduation rate of 91%
30 percent higher than the city's average.
Chen, who became a principal in August and worked in school for seven years, said decisions like implementing big history kept their senior classes full.
"Engagement is a big deal for us because as we grow older, we lose more and more students because life demands or distractions are getting bigger and bigger," Chan said . ".
"Using this intelligence to participate --
Let them think, how will we use the past to plan the future? ’ —
It really made them "buy ".
"It is a strategic move for them to arrange courses for freshman and sophomore students.
Great history allows them to arrange a very powerful teacher like hensterland and his team in their early grades, so that students will have a higher chance of passing this class, which
Melia Robinson/Business Insider student wrote in her big history journal.
While education activists and the media are panicking about Gates's involvement in the program, hensterland and Chen are grateful for the opportunities offered by the Big History Program.
"As a public school, we are always resource-intensive.
We therefore welcome partnerships with private organizations . "
From the office on the fourth floor, she could hear the police car whistle on the street below.
In addition to the teacher's professional development and access to the course website, Big History provides a small classroom budget for BCS to help offset the cost of printing studentsjournals.
There is no charge for using the course.
"Anyone who is about to end --
To politicize this partnership, I will welcome them, one day in their lives, into public schools, "Chen said," to experience it all from the perspective of public educators, they try to change the life of young people every day.
Melia Robinson/Business Insider principal Scill Chan sports jerseys for his alma mater's "University Day" at the Brooklyn Cooperative Research College.
When the bell rings, the second one
The year of "Big History" is over. a group of 10-year-old freshmen and sophomore students held back to chatting with me.
Hunsterland closed the door behind him under the excuse of herself and a girl in a cheerleading uniform.
I asked, "is the big history the same as the history class you had before?
The students answered "no" unanimously ".
"It's not just history, it's a lot of different things --
A student began adjusting his back baseball cap, "history, science, a whole bunch of different categories . ".
"It's not only about what humans do.
Another student said: "It's like general history classes will focus on the US or other countries, but this one focuses more on the history of the universe and talks more about 'big problems '.
How the world started.
"The reason we came here.
"Looking at these teenagers communicating, you can see how they depend on each other.
One student fills in the observation gap of the other student.
These students love great history.
They agreed that the Big History broadened their horizons in a way they did not expect.
A student named Yordi said that history changed his religious beliefs and that science was "meaningful" to him ".
Another student, Julian, said he performed better in evaluating a student's curriculum based on tests and quizzes, saying that big history challenged him to express and defend his views --
A new skill he appreciated.
What they appreciate most is collective learning, which is the cornerstone of the great history pedagogy.
We are not the only ones pursuing knowledge, and this idea gives them the confidence to speak freely and share their views without fear of being rejected or embarrassed.
Brian, a tall young man sitting behind the classroom, summed up the feelings of his companions.
"That's what I thought --
"As a tree with many roots," he said . ".
"There is no specific starting point.
There are a lot of different before you get to the trunk.
"There is no wrong answer in the Big History.
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