black cabs given new digital boards to provide live london traffic updates - digital board-ITATOUC

black cabs given new digital boards to provide live london traffic updates - digital board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-12
black cabs given new digital boards to provide live london traffic updates  -  digital board
New digital billboards have been installed on London's iconic black taxi, warning drivers of traffic delays.
Starting from this week, London Transport will be experimenting with innovative new boards that will display traffic information in real time to encourage other motorists to avoid crowded roads.
Initially, targeted information will inform the level of traffic in 40 to 50 areas with known traffic delays.
However, if the test is successful, the technology can be used in the future to provide real
The latest time for the entire road network event in London.
Information will be displayed on about 200 taxis that use GPS technology to install electronic boards to ensure that the information is accurateto-date.
Garret Emmerson, chief operating officer for TfL ground transport, said: "This trial is an innovative new way to reach road users in London and to let them know about traffic conditions.
Use the taxi fleet in the capital to get real-
Overtime traffic information will inform other drivers of any interruptions on the network to help them avoid the most crowded routes.
"This is one of the many ways we focus our attention on keeping London running, especially during the current period of success --
Led to the construction boom in London.
Jamie Lindsay, chief executive of the company brightmove Media behind the board, added: "Broadcasting congestion information to Londoners on iconic black taxis highlights the unique technology and programming that our software has
"The experiment will give Londoners an idea of real-time traffic conditions and events in the capital --
It's the kind of information they need.
We are pleased to work with TfL to implement this plan.
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