book 'em? these days, students more likely to use online resources - electronic smart board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-03-01
book \'em? these days, students more likely to use online resources  -  electronic smart board
Hey, time traveler!
This article is published in 1/9/2014 (1741 days ago)
Therefore, the information in it may no longer be up to date.
Textbooks used to be synonymous with learning, but for today's students, they are as strange as learning --
School room.
With an ipad, a smart motherboard, an online blog and video, this familiar and worn-out hardcover book is almost forgotten, and the edges of the book are full of graffiti.
Remember the 1990 parents retreated at the Double Eleven?
How many kilograms of books did their children go home carrying a nervous backpack?
Nowadays, it is easier for middle school students to ask, "What is a textbook?
"So, how far has the once powerful people gone --and heavy —
Drop the textbook?
The answer is not in the catalog, but the bottom line of the school department's attempt to find ways to make money goes as far as possible.
The Pembina Trail School Division will spend $212,544 on new textbooks this academic year.
Ted Fransen, director, said it was only 47 five years ago.
Math, chemistry, physics and biology are still popular
Textbook subjects for high school students.
However, the dictionary, Atlas and history books have long been out of favor.
Their information tends to be out of date immediately, and there are many other forms of resource material.
For example, when Franson taught American history in the 1990 s, his textbook was in Rev.
Martin Luther King is still alive.
"Of course, our technology budget has mushroomed," he said . "
"We spend a lot more money on technology than on textbooks.
Peggy Hobson, principal of Henry G. , said: "Today's textbook is not necessarily yesterday's hardcover.
Eden Middle School in White Ridge.
They can be purchased in print form, disc or online access code, eventually on the smart board.
Hobson's school saved $20,000 in the first year of paperless, and put the money into technology that could have been spent on textbooks before.
She said that students in Iowa have some form of electronic equipment, which is the way they like to learn.
But it's not just a simple question of a new form, that is, "Open the textbook to 36 pages, read, memorize, close the book, repeat it five times a day ".
Students now consume not only information, but more importantly, production information, Hobson said.
Iain Riffel, assistant director of the Pembina Trail project, said the trend in textbooks was already clear.
"In general ,(textbook)
"Spending is amazing," he said . "
Riffel says it is becoming more and more common for teachers to post assignments online so that students and parents can check at home.
That very tricky math or chemistry class, the complexity of which may allow students to escape education in the first, second, or third
The term is referred to as a "course pinch" and the teacher will make a video to explain the steps to it --by-
So students can review until they get it, says Riffel.
A particular class no longer needs to buy novels for all students, he said.
Instead, it may have only six novels, all with one theme, and students can choose which one to read.
A company even allows teachers to choose among short stories and put together the books they print out themselves.
Paul Olsen, chairman of the Manitoba Teachers Association, said teachers will feel pressured to use textbooks
"Because it reassured parents"
But outdated books are a problem.
He said that on the other hand, the material on the internet is very different, so the teacher's judgment is very important.
But Hobson warned that, regardless of whether textbooks are replaced, remember that they are the key to the tools and that teachers must have a plan to engage students.
"Technology is not a leader, and teachers are still leaders, as they were before 100," added Frankson. "———For first-
When they walked into the campus bookstore, the stickers were shocked.
The president of the University of Winnipeg student association, Rorie McLeod Chopard, said that science undergraduates can easily spend $1,000 on textbooks, equivalent to another £ 25.
To help the students, the UWSA ran a second-hand-book service.
At the same time, five years ago, the W bookstore began renting textbooks to students to help ease the burden.
Store manager Charmaine Trainer said that last year, W students rented a house at half the cost of buying, saving $330,000.
Students can even write in their rent.
"Students can certainly write in their rental books: they can stand out, take notes and use like their own books," the trainer said . ".
"Once they have finished the book, we register them as old books, in which they will be resold or re-issued
Rent to the next group of students.
What we are asking for is that it is reusable for the next student without water damage or cover tears.
She said that the number of textbooks has not changed much for decades, but the number of titles is more, which also means that students can save money.
Sharon Pearce, manager of the textbook department at the University of Manitoba bookstore, said that today's publishers spend far more money on research and development of online resource technology than textbooks.
"We saw teachers incorporate online testing and homework into their classes," Pierce said . ".
"Students need to purchase access codes that allow them to use these resources.
In some cases, e-books are included, so there is no need to purchase hardcover books. "nick.
Martin @ freepressmb.
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