bulletproof whiteboards, made by hardwire llc, can protect during school shooting photos - whitebo

bulletproof whiteboards, made by hardwire llc, can protect during school shooting (photos) - whiteboard for teachers

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-14
bulletproof whiteboards, made by hardwire llc, can protect during school shooting (photos)  -  whiteboard for teachers
First of all, it's an armored backpack and bulletproof children's clothing, and now it's a bulletproof whiteboard that can be used as a shield in school shootings.
Just last week, hard line, Maryland, LLC.
American-based armored companies have sold ballistic protection technology to the United States. S.
Troops used in Iraq and Afghanistan began selling dry wipes that could stop artillery fire. (
Scroll down to see photos of bulletproof whiteboards)
On Friday morning, hard line CEO George Tunisia told Huffington Post on the phone that the bullet-proof board was designed to fit into the school environment.
He told Huffington Post that Tunisia's 12-year-old and 14-year-old children gave him the idea of a whiteboard after the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December.
"They said, 'Dad, you have an armor company, what can we do about it!
Tunisia explained.
"So there are as many ideas as I have.
Tunisia stressed that in the potential crisis, each school should follow its own procedures, but he said that the bulletproof whiteboard is the last line of defense against the gunman. the teacher can use the board as a shield, surround the students to defend against bullets.
The whiteboard is made of a material called Dyneema, which is a polyethylene fiber that is commonly used in body armor and military vehicles.
The board is a quarter.
Tunisia says the inch is thick and there are three handles on the back for teachers to hold while teaching or blocking gunshots.
Hardwire's website explained that the whiteboard was designed to stop and absorb bullets and prevent bullets from flying.
A video on the company's YouTube page shows that the whiteboard is running.
Hard wire currently sells two sizes of bulletproof whiteboards.
According to Hardwire's website, the larger size is designed to protect the head and torso, which weighs less than 4 pounds and costs $299.
The smaller size recommended by "playground, venue, parking lot or bus duty" weighs 1 pound and weighs 10 by 13 inch for $109.
How to use a bulletproof whiteboard as a shield: a hard-wired bulletproof clipboard weighs 1 pound and costs $109. (
New York Daily News)
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