cardiff homeless helped with contactless donations - interactive screen-ITATOUCH-img

cardiff homeless helped with contactless donations - interactive screen

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-28
cardiff homeless helped with contactless donations  -  interactive screen
When people walk in the heart of Cardiff, they will be able to donate to help homeless people through contactless payments.
An interactive screen is installed in Hayes, allowing passers-
Donate 2 by using a debit card or credit card at any time.
The funds raised will be used to provide grants to organizations working with homeless people.
Cardiff MP Linda Thorn said it could "end the cycle of homelessness ".
Donations to different campaigns will be managed by the Welsh community foundation, where voluntary organizations and third sector organizations can apply for grants of between £ 250 and £ 750 to help support the homeless.
MS Sorne, cabinet member of Cardiff housing and community council, said: "The purpose given in different ways is to end the cycle of homelessness and provide meaningful support through small grants, keeping people away from bad sleep will really have an impact on the individual ".
Adrian Field, executive director of Cardiff, a business organization that funded the donation point, said: "This is another way to help deal with the homeless problem in Cardiff.
"We use contactless technology to bring our partners together to encourage people to donate and want homeless people to leave the streets forever ".
About 10% of the funds raised will be used by organizations working to prevent homeless future generations.
The unit will remain in Hayes until March 25, 2018.
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