cheetahs will not prosper in b.c.: panel rejects permit request for two big cats - smart board panel

by:ITATOUCH     2020-04-03
cheetahs will not prosper in b.c.: panel rejects permit request for two big cats  -  smart board panel
The owners of the two cheetahs will not be allowed to return large African cats to the southeast of BC as ambassadors for the protection of endangered species.
The Environmental Appeal Board, under B. C.
The wildlife act refused to overturn the 2017 ruling, which denied permission to transfer the cheetah to Crawford Bay north of Creston.
Earl Pfeifer's appeal argues that the refusal to permit relies on details that allegedly unsupported Cheetahs pose a danger, as well as the allegations made by the province but later revoked, one of which had escaped on December 2015In a 37-
The page decided that the appeals board said that Pfeifer and his partner, Carol Plato, did not provide any special circumstances to allow the province to overturn legislation enacted in 2007 after a woman fatally attacked by a captive tiger at the zoo.
Attractions like Lake Williams.
Board panel chaired by Linda Michaluk questioned Pfeifer's commitment to his own security agreement and his ability to control seven security agreementsyear-
A wildlife park operator in Alberta said that the old cheetah, Robin and Anne were "not disciplined" and they briefly raised the cats.
Pfeifer and Plato hope to bring the couple to a property in Crawford Bay after they have been obtained from the South African reserve for "education and outreach" for children ".
The Cats remain in Ontario without a permit, and Pfeifer testified that he rarely sees them now.
A member of the South African cheetah outreach team told the hearing that the cheetah is the most docile of the big cats, Robin is blind, but both he and Annie are blind, "as ambassador animals, highly socialized, also very suitable.
Linda rosenov said she worked with two cats in the year after they were born, and before they were shipped to Pfeifer and Plato in Ontario in 2013.
She testified that there was no formal study program to become a cheetah coach, but the group mentioned the collaboration of the textbook
Written by Laurie Mark, a cheetah biologist and processor, he represents B. C.
Director of Wildlife.
Cheetah is not a pet.
The textbook "Cheetah: Biology and Conservation" says they are wild animals and should be considered wild animals.
"Working with cheetahs requires extensive experience in animal training and handling.
Professors use courses and books that actively reinforce training practices.
In addition, the new coach of the cheetah must start hands-on
Work with a mentor or experienced colleague
The textbook says.
Taking into account this description, Michaluk wrote that the group was "concerned" about the formal training level of the Pfeifer and the consistency of the care he could provide for the cheetah, especially during daily walks and exercises, he told the panel that they needed to be done outside the fence.
"What is particularly worrying is the evidence of Annie's Escape (At Crawford Bay)
December 2015.
"This reflects the appellant's ability as a handler, although the panel acknowledges that the issue raised by this incident is not just dealing with expertise," Michaluk wrote, adding that pfeiC.
Not long before Annie escaped, though he knew he did not have the required permit.
"In short, the appellant proved the disregard for B. C.
Laws and Regulations (
Species such as cheetah)
"For the sake of his own security procedures and agreements with others," she wrote . ".
"In conclusion, the panel cannot imagine any additional" special circumstances "to support this particular applicant in obtaining a licence to own these particular prohibited species.
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