children make return to safety-fear dumfries campus - smart board in school

by:ITATOUCH     2019-07-04
children make return to safety-fear dumfries campus  -  smart board in school
Most students returned to the school campus because a boy was injured when the smart board fell on him and closed the campus for security reasons.
This is one of a series of incidents that led to the closure of the dunfridges northwest community campus on last September.
More than 400 nursery and primary school children
Rolling from about 700 overall
I'm going back this week.
Students from lands special school have returned.
Middle school students are expected to return after the exam in June.
After spending about seven months at other schools in the town, primary school parents welcomed their children back to the scene.
Lindsay McWilliam said: "I 've gone in and seen it, so it's all on the board --it looks good.
"It's safer now, and we look forward to it.
"It's been a long time, but it's much better now," added Robbie dempester . ".
"We have already visited and looked at it and there are a lot of fixtures and accessories that have changed --
So it does look much better. "The multi-
The yard Pound campus opened on last August, but closed for the second month due to security concerns.
Staff and students were injured in the incident, which included a board landing on four boardsyear-
Old Jack Hall and a sliding door that fell off the rails.
15 children returned last month and nearly 450 returned this week.
Middle school students who will return to the scene on June are currently studying at Maxwelltown High School --
The campus is designed to replace a site.
Due to the long-term closure of the new facility, it had to be put back into use. August 21, 2018-
The campus, langland Special School and Maxwelltown High School, which replaces Lochside and St Ninian Primary School, are open to students. August 24, 2018-
A few days later, a child was hit by the door and the school was closed. August 28, 2018-
The facility was reopened after security checks.
September 7, 2018-
After the student was hit by a smart board, the campus closed indefinitely.
December 11, 2018-
As the work will not be completed as scheduled, the site will be closed until spring.
January 31, 2019-
A schedule has been set for student return.
Dumfries and Galloway Council had previously said it wanted to make sure everything was "absolutely perfect" on site before allowing children to return to the 28 m facility.
It said it wouldn't rush to work and make sure everything was "done well ".
It is expected that there will be a detailed report in the near future on what is wrong with the website.
The final interview will be completed and the Scottish Futures Trust is expected to report shortly after that.
Analysis: Giancarlo Rinaldi of BBC Scotland News said that this is an important day for Dumfries education and there will be a lot of fingers crossed.
The Northwest community campus was originally a flagship facility, but it was plagued by problems before and after students first set foot on the scene.
The repair took longer than originally expected, but this was because the council wanted absolute assurance that it would not repeat the previous problems.
All eyes will be focused on Lochside in the days to come to make sure everything goes well this time.
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