diary of a new york co-op board president - the smart board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-03-25
diary of a new york co-op board president  -  the smart board
A shared apartment in New York
Op building looks like a good ideaat first. But just wait.
From happy optimism to tired cynicism, there is usually a steep learning curve.
This is a story like this, I remember.
As most New Yorkers know very well, when you buy one
Op, unlike the apartment, you don't technically own the apartment itself.
Instead, you buy shares in a company with a group of strangers, and then you sign a lease. And while co-
Op is the abbreviation for cooperative, which may be a misnomer.
Some buildings should be called the United Nations. co-
Ops, such as non-cooperation in handling any type of change or construction project.
By the way, if you also volunteer to join the board and become the chairman of the board, the learning curve will become more steep. Dec.
2010: This is our dream apartment!
West Village of Manhattan.
Long history, plenty of light in a small, 7-story building.
Yes, it needs a lot of work and it will be hard to manage when we are still living in California.
But we can never find something like this.
Only through co-
Op board interview
Hope they like us! Feb. 23, 2011: Wow.
The interview was not going well.
Terrible experience!
Turn over all the bank statements and tax returns, boy, and feel like we're standing on the witness stand.
But the miracle is that they recognized us. We are in. But worried.
May 2, 2011: I joined co-
The seven boards of the Op will chair the board meeting using Home Depot folding tables and orange folding chairs.
Hope they like us!
I am making such efforts.
Put a light on the automatic timer of the window, so we seem to be at 24/7.
July 30, 2012: demolition began.
Okay, I rented the fifth one. floor walk-up nearby —
Even though it means I'm leaving my husband in Los Angeles.
My heart beats faster when I get a crazy call. Panic!
The gravel is pouring into the neat apartment below.
I don't apologize enough.
To prevent this, we are repairing this hole on a very old floor.
Send a bottle of Paul Hobbs Pinot wine to the neighbor. Sept.
2012: The board did not approve the plan for our architect to install central air conditioningconditioning.
We want to drain the coolant in the stairwell of the building to the condenser on the roof. That is a no-go.
We were told that there may not be enough room for everyone to do the same according to the building code.
A solution that can accommodate everyone must be found.
I hate the big, ugly air-conditioned windows.
Buy Loud fans in Bed Bath and other places.
It was too hot even though all the windows were open.
Why do taxis honk continuously at three in the morning? m.
When the taxi in front can't move? Feb.
2013: almost complete renovation.
At the annual meeting, a perfect Danish table was found for everyone in the building with enough chairs!
Imitation green leather seat.
What services are provided at the board meeting?
That's probably too much: smoked salmon and cream cheese on toast.
Mixed nuts French bread, assorted cheese, grapes, strawberries, M & MSOct.
2013: The members of the board knock loudly.
Our toilet has been backed up and the sewage leaks out of the ceiling below.
I don't apologize enough.
The gravel we removed has fallen on the same apartment for just over a year.
We are sorry. Aug.
2015: The elderly women upstairs smell the smell of coal. this is how the gas in the whole building is leaking.
No gas for five months.
Everyone is tired of taking out.
The wall will open for the new riser, and that's when it hits me: when it opens, we can run the coolant line for everyone on the shaft! I am so smart!
This is a good idea.
Start hosting the meeting and find that most of my neighbors seem to be interested in central air conditioning! Oct.
2015: air conditioning experts are still hosting the meeting.
Serve grapes and trail mix.
What do I think about the food?
But it's so exciting!
All kinds of experts are weighing how to cooperate.
The Op can install a central air conditioner and throw away those ugly window units.
The group thanked me very much.
I'm going to finish this.
We don't know how much it might cost.
June 21, 2016: Oh.
I was elected chairman of the board.
Learn about Robert's Rules of Procedure.
Browse the project better.
We just need better communication.
I have been working on the long history of the building and have sent it to all shareholders.
Everyone will like it and be grateful to me.
July 22, 2016: too hot to sleep.
It's broken. I ordered a small white window.
It will make noise, block the view, need the plexiglass panel, no attraction. Aug.
2016: I propose to rewrite the house rules.
My first draft leads to the need for kindness and respect.
Our building manager provided sample samples of another building.
The lawyers were involved.
We are a bit in trouble about whether the dog needs to be approved.
Can you really interview a dog?
We did not speak to the pet bird who had already lived on the first floor. Sept.
2016: a neighbor complained about my window Air
The air conditioner unit drips water on the awning below.
The service staff proposed to put a drain pipe in front of the building.
This does not seem to be a good idea on landmark buildings.
We are trying to use the air.
The air conditioning is not so frequent, but it's really hot here. Sept.
2016: all hell is broken.
A member of the/C team suggested that this should be A construction project with part of the cost paid jointlyop.
She argues that when work will involve public spaces such as roofs and shafts, it makes no sense for the majority of shareholders to set up their own air conditioning systems and may require electrical upgrades to the entire building.
But some members of the board already have their own central air conditioning.
Adjustment system installed during re-modeling
They see such spending as unfair.
The building is now a hodgepodge of different systems.
There are three condenser s on the roof, one in the basement and two in the apartment.
The construction manager agreed to the objection.
It is clear that we did not present this idea in the best possible way at our board meeting tonight.
Tensions have intensified.
May 19, 2017: Members of the board cannot even agree on the wording of the minutes.
In the Trump era, we are as divided as other countries.
I received an email from a member of the board: "Congrats that the board is completely out of order.
I feel bullied.
I told the building manager that I felt bullied.
I am forwarding the mail to her one by one.
The sofa in my living room has been scattered and the feathers are now flying all over the apartment.
Some people complain that the birds on the first floor are screaming all the time.
June 10, 2017: The weather is very hot.
I ordered two of the biggest stainless steel fans I can find from the repair hardware and my daughter is assembling them.
The small window unit is not strong enough to cool the whole apartment.
Discussions on the board remain intense.
"Are you saying I'm selfish?
Asked a director.
I made a mistake: "Yes! Yes, I am!
"Apologize later on the phone.
The president should not lose it.
Downhill so fast. Nov.
2017: Members of the Board beat the door wildly late at night.
The heart beat faster and I jumped out of the tub to learn that our overflow drain had leaked and flooded the apartment downstairs.
This is our third strike on the same ceiling, one with gravel, one with sewage, and now with bath water.
My husband mopped the floor. Dec.
2017: Finally!
The board of directors approved the expenditure plan for the installation of central air conditioning
Adjust, divide the estimated cost by co-
As a building project, people who want air
Now adjust it.
But we are not united. Oh no.
Most members of the boardfive —
But two people are very, very opposed. (
Those in favor of the plan believe that this is in the best interest of the building and will add value to the building and will be available to all apartments in the future. )Dec.
2017: enter the holiday.
New buyers upstairs are upset that the board has not yet approved their renovation plan.
Their plans include air-conditioning lines that extend through the shaft to the roof.
It feels like the end of a new player.
They sent a letter of reservation to the board of directors
Five days before Christmas(
I haven't been shopping yet. )
What is the litigation reservation letter?
Board members are not allowed to delete emails or use shredders because our new neighbors may plan to sue and they may need the material.
Their lawyer's letter says, "We have reason to believe that you own, keep or control documents and materials relating to claims that may be made against you and others. ”Really?
I have followed the record.
Of course, I think of Hillary.
Lessons learned from deleting emails.
I don't want to be the same president anymore. op board.
If someone likes me, I don't care anymore.
They are welcome to read my email.
I have saved every one. Jan.
2018: pay attention to yourself: never go against your intuition.
Most board votes for A/C project spending will not end the story.
A special shareholders' meeting was held on January.
Voted to remove the three of us from the board. (
I'm one of three. )
Half of my neighbors signed.
No reason was given, but a neighbor told me by phone that she did not want to pay anything for the air conditioning project. Jan.
2018: At first, I tried to write a paper about communication needs, keeping the tone light.
I am explaining that we all have our own unique shortcomings. And then, w-h-a-m-o!
New legal threats from another neighbor arrived by email.
This is trying to stop the proposed air.
Adjust the plan.
It names most of the board members, including me, as individuals --
Claims of breach of trust obligations and selfdealing —
Saying that the cost of this plan is unfair to those who have already paid for their central air conditioning --
Air conditioning system.
It also stated that the plan violated the neighbor's lease agreement as it would involve working in her apartment and not repairing it. Jan.
2018: that's true. I am resigning.
Before I was ousted.
I should have left it there, but I won't.
Part of the reason is that I have tried A/C for six years.
So I request a construction meeting with the mediator.
A meeting was arranged
No mediatorfor Feb. 1. Feb.
2018: It was a disaster.
Only half of the buildings appear with co-
Op lawyers, engineers and potential contractors.
There is already a shareholder of air.
She went on to argue that she did not have to let the worker into her apartment to get into the shaft.
The following is the harsh words. Mar.
2018: there is no meeting of my board of directors. Apr.
2018: I should not resign.
Minorities are now in power.
A construction meeting had already been held, but tensions were so high that no one volunteered to preside over the meeting.
At the last minute we were told to move the chair to the vacant sixth floor.
Sausage is provided.
The new president and construction manager put forward a revised plan
Op does not pay a penny.
On the contrary, those who want the air conditioner will share all the expenses to them.
No one even mentioned the board's previous vote on the construction project.
Although not formally overturned.
The building manager has to raise his hand. Who is in? The battle-
The tired owners of the four apartments, including me, raised their hands;
The other two expressed interest over the phone. (
None of us wanted to announce a failure or install a condenser in our apartment because the systems took up space, which usually meant the ceiling fell and the windows fell part of it. )
I know this project will take a long time.
I am preparing for the long hot summer.
I will get a big and ugly window unit.
It may just drop on all their heads.
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