digital display boards for bus rapid transit system route | pune news - times of india - digital d

digital display boards for bus rapid transit system route | pune news - times of india - digital display board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-06
digital display boards for bus rapid transit system route | pune news - times of india  -  digital display board
Pune: on the bus rapid transit system, the digital display board will make commuting easier (BRTS)
Route to Ahmednagar Road.
Municipalities plan to install these boards for traffic management.
The safety of commuters and pedestrians is a key issue in the BRTS corridor.
In order to solve this problem, various efforts have been made by civic groups.
Mayor Prashant Jagtap told reporters that the latest step now is to install a digital display board.
The boards will be installed in buses and bus stations, he said.
It will enable passengers to know the time, station and route of the bus.
The new facility will reduce accidents at dangerous openings in the BRTS corridor.
Civic groups have been asking for these measures to reduce accidents on the BRTS route.
Police have registered 12 accidents since the start of operations on the Ayama Nagar Road on April 28.
PMC officials say they have taken some steps to ensure route safety before the start of the project, but the delay in starting the system has caused some commuting safety problems.
The project was delayed due to land acquisition at a dock.
The terminal needs to acquire nearly nine acres of land near Kesnand Phata.
According to citizen officials, residents of the village of Wagholi have sent a letter to Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC)
Objected to the acquisition of land for the project.
But PMC got the land from the state government.
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