digital display boards to track pollution level | indore news - times of india - digital display board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-06
digital display boards to track pollution level | indore news - times of india  -  digital display board
Indore: the associated Indore people will now be able to track pollution levels in the area online and follow up with digital display boards that will soon be installed in a few parts of the city.
Pollution Control Committee of Central State (MPPCB)
It has been decided to install digital display boards in several traffic-prone areas of the city, including the rainiada and Kothari markets under continuous air quality monitoring stations (CAQMS)
The cost is 1 crore scheme.
This will be the first digital display in the state to update pollution levels.
After the system is successfully installed and implemented, it will be copied in Bhopal.
According to MPPCB officials, the system is currently operating in about 75 cities across the country.
MPPCB chief chemist at Aparna Bapat said, "Central Pollution Control Commission (CPCB)
Green signal for the installation of electronic display board.
The system will have different types of inspectors to measure the amount of suspended particles in the air, such as sulfur, she said
Nitrogen dioxide and other harmful elements.
The measurement data on the motherboard will also be updated online every 20 seconds and will work properly within 24X7 hours.
Narundra Surana, center for environmental protection research and development (CEPRD)
He said, "Indore is one of the most polluted cities in the country, and we basically need a proper system to measure the level of pollution.
He believes that the installation of the new system may help raise awareness of air pollution.
MPPCB has three air pollution measurement units in Kothari Market, Vijay Nagar and Sawer Road, respectively.
Although the measurement center operated manually has filter paper, harmful elements in the air can be absorbed and checked later in the laboratory.
However, the lab report was released 24 hours later and was not disclosed to the public.
The new system is updated every 20 seconds.
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