digital publishing of books with interactive features - interactive whiteboard features-ITATOUCH-i

digital publishing of books with interactive features - interactive whiteboard features

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-26
digital publishing of books with interactive features  -  interactive whiteboard features
With high-
With the rapid popularization of the Internet, the digitization of book publishing is rapidly developing into a large enterprise.
With the help of new media and technology, digital publishing has found new means in the field of social media. Social networking site www. fieldi.
Com "goes beyond the social role of running --of-the-
"Through unlimited interaction, grinding social networking sites, opening the door to the world of reading and publishing," its developers said . ".
Book text must be scanned page by page in jpeg format and in uniform size to be uploaded to the website.
The platform has text on a variety of topics, including newsletters, academic volumes, journals, souvenirs, anthology and annual reports.
It allows unlimited interaction between readers and writers, readers and readers, as well as between writers and writers.
He said: "Since we started the beta, we have exceeded 4,000 members in just over a month . "
Thomas, India spokesman.
Universities, colleges, research institutions, non-governmental organizations and journal publishing houses have also joined, he said.
While field di offers Flash and Java reading options and is accessible through IBM and Mac machines, it is also available for tablets, smartphones and cloud platforms.
"When a company wants to send a newsletter to all its employees, the cost of publishing and express delivery involved is huge.
Similarly, if a researcher wants to upload his research files and share them with others, a platform like this would be a good choice . "Thomas.
The free SMS feature allows members to send links to their favorite books to others. Auto-
In addition to the embedding feature that allows links to embed other websites, hints and manual searches are provided.
The platform can be shared through more than 100 community sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Orkut.
"The URL of the profile page will be provided as a QR code, which allows the rapid delivery of information in code formats such as barcodes, so advanced mobile phones can search and share links to books . "
Thomas added that one three
A layered security network has been set up to help sites fight back attacks.
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