digital tablets help improve reading of visually impaired - digital tablet-ITATOUCH-img

digital tablets help improve reading of visually impaired - digital tablet

by:ITATOUCH     2020-04-18
digital tablets help improve reading of visually impaired  -  digital tablet
According to a new study, people with moderate vision loss can regain fast and comfortable reading ability by using a digital tablet.
According to a new studyA small study, people with moderate visual loss can regain fast and comfortable reading ability by using a digital tablet, the study conducted a study of 100 patients with eye disease, with the use of an iPad with an 18-point font, the reading speed increased by 42 words per minute, using a Kindle with the same font, use the tablet with the back, add 12 words per minute
The researchers said the illuminated screen led to the fastest reading speed for all study participants, regardless of their visual acuity. Daniel Roth, M. D.
Clinical Associate Professor at Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine presented the study at 116 annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
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