digital transformation of business and communications - part 4 - digital signage-ITATOUCH-img

digital transformation of business and communications - part 4 - digital signage

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-05
digital transformation of business and communications - part 4  -  digital signage
Jean-as an enterprise owner and senior in the communications industry
Pierre Lacroix, president of Toronto Shikatani Lacroix
Over the past 20 years, great changes have taken place in technology and customer/employee expectations based on brands and design agencies.
In this much fourth part
Part of the executive Q & A series I will chat with Jean
Pierre talked about the future and direction that digital transformation will lead us.
Doug: things are changing too fast.
Do you think that if organizations are able to link business processes to exponential growth to increase revenue or reduce costs, will they be able to get those benefits over the next few years?
Pierre: this is an opportunity to take advantage of consumer behavior.
We're so connected to our phones.
The first thing people do after getting up in the morning is to check their phones.
The last thing they do when they sleep is to check their phone.
They check their phones every three to four minutes.
When they go to the bank, they are checking their phone when they are in the branch.
They didn't connect the digital logo because they were looking at the phone.
Therefore, there is a real opportunity to disrupt this behavior and attract consumers through digital signage --through large-
Digital signage and geographical indications
Fencing, things that connect mobile phones.
This is the real opportunity we will see in the near future. Geo-
Fencing makes sense, so if you walk into the bank, you get a message through their app.
You can go to Starbucks now.
You are very close to this restaurant and that restaurant.
But retailers and manufacturers are reluctant to take advantage of the location.
Fencing, I'm just scratching my head.
Great impact.
In oil companies, that has also been tested, and sales in the store have increased by 30%.
Fencing, just a reminder to the customer for an offer, or "Hey, come in for a cup of coffee.
"Our way of life is too busy. we have a lot to do every day.
Not only do we have the complexity of choice, I call it the complexity of the task.
You get up in the morning, you have 20 things to do, and if your child goes to play football or hockey, you have 30 more things to do, heaven is forbidden.
We don't have time to think about other things.
Being able to provide it as a valuable service as a reminder of what you may have forgotten or what you may need --
This makes sense to me.
Doug: 25 years later, when you and I sit down and talk again, where do you see things
Pierre: as consumers, there are several factors that can have a huge impact on our behavior: how we buy, how we see things.
One is artificial intelligence.
We have so much data that we don't know what to do with it.
Artificial intelligence eliminates human factors and obtains and customizes this information to everyone through algorithms and learning processes.
Consumers want personalized services today.
They do not want to send emails to everyone;
They want an email specifically tailored to their needs.
Reminders, services and offers based on purchase patterns and behaviors.
Artificial intelligence will provide spades.
It will make time.
Take the automotive industry as an example.
They predict that half of the cars sold in the world will be self-driving by 2025.
A car powered by artificial intelligence.
So, you will see that this movement affects everything we do, the way we buy, the way we shop, the way we enjoy our lives.
This is a key technology for me.
The second technology, what I call invisible technology.
I believe that innovation happens when you eliminate steps and friction points in the consumer's lifestyle.
Think about Apple Pay. if you have a mobile phone, you don't need to carry your wallet with you.
Google Maps allows you to travel and never get lost.
Eliminating these friction points or these steps is where innovation is successful to bring value to consumers.
One of the steps is how we absorb visual information.
Now, the technology hangs a digital logo on the wall and builds a network, but I'm sure all of this will go away.
I don't know if you are aware of this, but I'm sure in Sweden they will paint a wall and the wall will turn into an LCD screen.
So the physical limitations of the digital signage will go away and it will be whatever you want.
This will open up a variety of excellent ways for experience and immersive experience.
We believe that virtual reality and augmented reality are pioneering things.
I think these are temporary steps because you have to wear this bulky thing on your head.
The immersive experiences will be real for me, they will be 3D
The 3D and 4D projection screens are where you are in that space.
We are at the forefront of this technology.
Doug: The best way to get information from a person is through their eyes, and we have the ability to help our customers combine data with a visual experience.
What do you think the future of our company will look like?
This is a very exciting time for designers.
When you start creating a virtual experience, you are no longer limited by the power of gravity, the law of gravity, and you don't need to be an architect now to build a building because you can build it virtually.
You just need to have the right aesthetics and understanding of consumer behavior, but you don't need to be an architect.
So, you will see a designer designing a building and seeing an architect designing an identification program.
You will see a level breakdown of the design profession.
This will have a huge impact and has already had a huge impact on our industry.
We had a typeset 20 years ago.
Disappeared overnight.
The company that produced the packaging disappeared.
Now even printing is about to begin.
Now it's custom print, digital print, and the big print run has become a custom print run.
You see a huge shift from massive efficiency to personalized efficiency.
I think this will play a very important role in how we deliver communications marketing materials.
All of this must be personalized.
Going back to my original review, it's all about what's right.
What is the story we tell our customers at the moment of purchase, how important is this story, how we interweave this story with the way they live, how different this story is from their neighbor's story or daughter's story is the real battlefield.
It's about content and content management.
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