draw a dragon wing - cintiq drawing tablet-ITATOUCH-img

draw a dragon wing - cintiq drawing tablet

by:ITATOUCH     2020-05-03
draw a dragon wing  -  cintiq drawing tablet
The Dragon always captures the imagination and now you can learn how to attract its awe --
Inspiring Legendary Wings, the power behind the flight.
As far as I can remember, I have always liked painting ---
From the combat scene to the beautiful sunset, capture an image of anything I want.
However, the dragon has been the subject of my art for many years and I always find wings to be the strongest and most domineering part.
I decided to show it to someone--you! --
How to draw the wings of this glorious fantasy creature, open and open in all their glory.
Use the video below or its written equivalent to learn the steps in order to demonstrate the open Dragon Wing in profile.
Note: I use Autodesk Sketchbook Pro on the Cintiq 13hd drawing tablet.
Other media can also be used, including but not limited to traditional pen/pen and paper, other digital programs, paint or marking.
If a person uses the traditional method, I would suggest performing steps 1 to 3 with lighter marks and checking them with darker marks.
If you use different media, be prepared to adjust your method no matter how necessary.
The basic concepts, however, should be consistent.
This is just to provide a basis for placing the wings that will be attached to the shoulders.
I would suggest drawing this at the bottom of the page, preferably in small size.
Now let's give an example of the joint on the wing.
You see, the general dragon wings are designed according to the wings of the bat, which evolved from one hand --like limb.
Therefore, the wings are essentially just huge arms with long fingers connected through the skin membrane.
So to illustrate the Dragon Wing, just draw a huge arm and reach out with your finger.
Draw circles at joints such as elbows, wrists, shoulders and knuckles.
Note: You can add any number or number of fingers--
After all, this is a fantasy creature. -
But keep in mind that they should spawn mainly from the "hands" section.
One finger I drew at my elbow is an exaggeration of many animals "thumb (dew claw)
Further from the rest of the toe, further from the elbow (
Look at the feet of a dog or cat! ).
Here we add most of the wings--
The organization of the connection between each finger.
Draw a curved line from the tip of each finger and bend inward to the inside of the wing.
This will provide a realistic bend for the skin.
We will add more details to it later.
Before that, the arm of the wing was just a line, and the circle represented the muscles and joints.
Now, we're going--Really--flesh it out. Make it 3-dimensional;
Increase the joints, such as the knuckles and the bumps of the fingers.
Soon your wings will begin to be supported by muscular limbs.
This is a very important detail if you want your wings to look relatively realistic: stretch marks.
The wings are made of leather and skin, bending, folding, flapping and moving every day (assumedly).
They will get folds and marks showing the age and activity of the Dragon in question.
Add them near the joints where the wings will crease.
The more marks, the older the Dragon will be.
Or maybe they are more experienced in flying.
Add some colors and shadows, maybe add scars or any other defined marks and you're done!
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