duchess of sussex gets stuck into new role at charity helping women - smart

by:ITATOUCH     2019-08-21
duchess of sussex gets stuck into new role at charity helping women  -  smart
The Duchess of Sussex announced her first charity sponsor.
Her commitment to the arts, to supporting the welfare of women and animals was reflected.
Megan has been approved by the Queen for two charity roles and will now be a patron of the National Theatre and the Commonwealth University Association.
The Queen held 45 and 33 years respectively.
Megan also chose to support two other charities, Smart Works and Mayhew.
In a statement, Kensington Palace said: "The Duchess is pleased to be a patron of the UK's national and grassroots organizations and I am very much looking forward to working with them to give the public a wider focus on their cause.
"Her Highness believes that she can use her position to focus and have a particularly significant impact on these organizations and, more broadly, the departments they each represent.
"Clever works represent the long term of Megan
Long-term commitment to gender equality and women's empowerment.
Charity helps long term
Long-term unemployed and vulnerable women have regained successful skills, confidence and tools in job interviews, re-employment and life-changing.
On the day of the announcement of her four new characters, Megan came to Smart Works at St. Charles Hospital in north Kensington, west London, wearing the Hatch and tan coats of Oscar de la lunta.
The Duchess heard from the staff about the work of the charity and met with women who benefited from the support of the charity.
She told the group, including two former clients: "I'm glad to be here.
"You know I 've been coming quietly. . .
Nearly a year.
"It's good to be able to talk openly about the work you're doing now.
"The Duchess of Sussex welcomed her first child in the spring, and she was initially welcomed by Smart Works CEO Kate Stephens.
MS Stephens said the Duchess had visited the center privately several times in 2018.
She added: "She really has a hand --
And participated and had a natural resonance with the people we were impressed with, she was great.
She reassured people.
It feels a little surreal.
"Her new role at the National Theater could be one of the worst secrets, as a staff member accidentally posted an article on their website yesterday afternoon announcing that she was theirs
She also held a private meeting with their artistic director, Rivers Norris.
It seems to be a great fit for the former dress-up actress who gave up her acting career before she married Prince Harry.
National Theatre director Luvers Norris said: "I would like to thank Her Majesty the Queen for her long-standing strong support and service to the National Theater.
"When the Queen became our sponsor in 1974, we felt honored and celebrated many moments together, including the Diamond Jubilee in recent years and our 50 th anniversary.
"It is an honor to welcome the Duchess of Sussex as our new patron.
The Duchess is like us.
Firmly believe that the theater has the ability to bring together people from all communities and from all walks of life.
I am very much looking forward to working closely with your Highness in the years to come ".
The Commonwealth University Association is the world's first and oldest network of international universities and the only recognized organization representing higher education in all 53 countries of the Commonwealth.
During her recent visit to Fiji, Meghan talked about "everyone should have the opportunity to receive the education they need," and last month he met with scholars and experts from King's College, the role of higher education in addressing issues such as human trafficking, modern slavery, gender equality, peace and reconciliation, and climate change were discussed.
Dr. Joanna Newman MBE, chief executive and secretary-general of the ACU, said: "We are very pleased that HRH, Duchess of Sussex, chose to be the patron of the ACU.
"The Duchess shared our passion for the power of change in higher education, and her royal higher education support will help support higher education as a public welfare force in the Commonwealth and beyond.
"We would like to thank Her Majesty the Queen for his support and we look forward to working closely with the Duchess as our patron.
"As an animal lover, Megan will also work with animal welfare group Meihu.
Caroline Yates, CEO of Mayhew, said: "The Duchess has been supporting animal welfare for many years and we are honored to have such a passionate patron representing our charity.
We look forward to working closely with the Duchess and hope we can help more animals and people together.
"The Royal Palace says the Duchess has been holding meetings and conducting private visits with each organization in recent months.
Her collaboration with charities will begin today with a visit to Smart Works, and in the next few weeks she will visit other organizations.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will welcome their first child in the spring.
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