electronic board to inform fishermen of weather conditions | hubballi news - times of india - electronic board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-08
electronic board to inform fishermen of weather conditions | hubballi news - times of india  -  electronic board
KARWAR: electronic display board invented by India National Marine Information Service Center (INCOIS)
, Warnings and notices of tsunami, cyclone and marine conditions can now be sent directly to fishermen through satellites.
India is the first country to get information in this way, so fishermen should take advantage of this, said shrvas vas Kumar, president of Hyderabad INCOIS.
He spoke at the party after the opening of the new electronic display board for Harry Candra fishermen
On Saturday, in the Hall of the action Association of Baithakol in calvall.
Shrvas vas said, "with the help of the board, it is easy for fishermen to identify areas where fish are more concentrated and to help them get additional catches.
"In addition to that, the waves, sea surface swirls and other details of the current weather conditions can be measured," he added . ".
He said the e-Commission issued a warning to fishermen four hours in advance about natural disasters such as the tsunami, so that fishermen could use the new technology to save fuel.
INCOIS will further study and develop the technology based on the experience of fishermen using this electronic board.
After graduating from Karwar Karnataka University, the center's administrative office said, "the diploma after graduation from satellite Oceanology began in Karnataka.
This is the first such course in India and is available at the University of Soutantung in the UK.
Ganapati Mangre, chairman of the Utara Kannada District Fisheries Federation, presided over the meeting.
M Nagaraj of INCOIS introduced the function of the electronic board through the power point demonstration.
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