expo on disasters tells how to minimize loss | nagpur news - times of india - interactive displays

expo on disasters tells how to minimize loss | nagpur news - times of india - interactive displays for business

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-13
expo on disasters tells how to minimize loss | nagpur news - times of india  -  interactive displays for business
NAGPUR: disasters, whether it is natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, or man-made disasters such as gas and chemical leaks, can always occur suddenly and cause huge loss of life and property.
However, damage can be minimized as long as there is a correct management system and a better understanding of people.
In order to raise this awareness, the Center for Raman Science (RSC)
Created a "disaster-
Prepare for the world from August 29-10 to 20.
It was prepared by the National Council of Science Museums, showing different types of exhibitions, showing the scientific information behind these disasters, the causes that should be followed before, during and after disasters and
V n Joshi, coordinator of the RSC project, told TOI that the exhibition was not only limited to disasters in the Indian subcontinent, but also various natural disasters such as tornadoes, volcanoes and hurricanes.
"The exhibition has both static written information and interactive displays, videos and kiosks with quizzes," he said . ".
India is very vulnerable to natural disasters due to its unique geographical location
Climate conditions.
The exhibition is trying to turn disaster management into a mass movement, just as during Everyone's disaster contribution.
The exhibition will open at 11: 00 on Thursday.
Satish water 30 am, director of the National Institute of Environmental Engineering (NEERI)
In front of Amit Mazumdar, Regional Director, Bureau of Atomic Mineral Exploration and Research.
Mazumdar will also issue a question about "radioactive disaster management --
Prepare at 12. 15pm.
The exhibition will be open on all working days.
Although each natural disaster requires a different management, the initial response steps are the same for all.
The exhibition also shows the biggest disasters of each type in the world, their causes and mitigation techniques.
India's biggest industrial disaster, the Bhopal natural gas tragedy of December 3, 1984, is not just information about the number of deaths, resulting in a visual and moving graphic display of the leaking process, but also has a more serious impact, for example, the genetic level of the exposed population at that time and the next generation.
There is also a section on the early warning system, such as the Ham radio station available early and the one available today.
Handling disasters * The Expo has static displays as well as video and interactive quizzes * videos have very rich Expert Reviews * visitors can see the actual formation of hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. * A 3-
D. The film is also showing * a booth showing the impact of earthquake magnitude increases in different places in history download the India Times news app in the latest city.
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