free digital signage for the raspberry pi - digital sign board-ITATOUCH-img

free digital signage for the raspberry pi - digital sign board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-17
free digital signage for the raspberry pi  -  digital sign board
Hi, in this note we will create our own digital signage system using Screenly.
Prior to this, in the instruction manual "using Xibo Diy digital signage", we used windows pc as the client screen.
But from the point of view of location and energy efficiency, using a Windows PC may not be a good choice.
The most important feature of Screen ly is that it runs on a computer Raspberry Pi, a small credit card size.
It is convenient for users and has sufficient energy.
From such a small package, Screenly provides good performance.
It can play the perfect 1080 p HD video, render Web content, and do more.
When you go through Screenly's web page, you can notice the pricing options.
As you can see, there is a free option with other options starting at about $10 a month.
But we can use Screenly for free;
Open source version!
So, what's the difference between "open source" and "Screenly Pro?
In the Screenly Pro version, you can control multiple screens at the same time by logging in from the website.
You can also manage the time and content of the screen.
In the open source version, a Raspberry Pi is required for each client screen.
If you are using 1 or 2 screens, that is satisfactory enough.
However, it will be very difficult to control many screens if you want to control them.
So, for small businesses, if a few screens are enough for you, the open source version is very useful.
Before you start, you need to make sure you have the following points: The quickest way to download custom images using screencly OSE is to download our custom images.
Download a custom image: Follow the SD installation guide.
The screen will automatically start and display splash on the first launch-screen, a web-page (screenlyapp. com)
And the trailer for the big buck rabbit.
Disk image is created for 4 gb sd-card.
It is recommended that you use at least 8 gb cards.
To access the required tools, first disable the video from the web interface.
After the video stops playing, press ctrl alt f1.
This will allow you to log in using the user "pi" and the password "raspberry.
When logging in, just type sudo raspi-
Configure and select expand root file system ".
If there is a black border around the screen, you may also want to change "over-scan ".
Note that SSH is enabled on this OS image.
Therefore, it is important to change the default password.
Watch the video above and see how your photos, videos or web pages are posted on Raspberry pi by using the interface. More detailsMy Blog Page.
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