gender equality is smart business - best smart boards for business

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-08
gender equality is smart business  -  best smart boards for business
The diversity of thinking creates a better team.
In addition to common sense, this is an established fact now. Why?
Because by definition, different teams mean more different ways of thinking and more choices for decision makers.
There are more and more different team members to choose from, increasing the opportunity for team leaders to form the best team as a whole, such as ways to balance analysis, experiments, practices, or relationships.
Considering the value of diverse thinking, consider an obvious but big question: how does the fact that you are a man or a woman affect your life?
There's almost everything, right? Yet in my 30-
In addition, working in more than 140 countries in the global spirits industry for many years, and in the process of serving the company and the Board of Education, I usually see a lack of commensurate female representation on the board.
The number of women continues to exceed that of men, as a percentage of 50 across the country. 8%.
It is reported that they have received nearly 60% undergraduate degrees across the country and 60% of all master's degrees.
However, even though American women make up 52% of all professional women
Their representation in leadership positions is far behind that of men.
Women make up 44% of the S & P workforce and 36% of the first workforceor mid-
Top officials and managers of these companies, but only 25% of executivesand senior-
Position of level officer and manager.
Their board seats are only 20%, and the proportion of CEOs is only 6%.
Aside from morality, consider only the importance of women in the market.
For me, this is a No.
Brainer: women should be fully represented in any team you can think. And yet —
Use Google to see-
We are far from the goal of representing American values of equality and equity.
For example, check the Top 10 Fortune 500 companies.
Only one female CEO.
Look at the boards of these big companies.
Only 3 of ExxonMobile's 10 board members are women, 3 of the 10 board members of the United Health Group are women, and 3 of GE's 11 board members are women
In this case, the third feeling is more of a symbolic representation than a real commitment to gender equality in the mind that guides the company's future.
Who of us has not experienced or at least observed gender discrimination?
Of course, I have encountered a clear gender bias in the services of academic and non-profit boards, not just companies.
In the process of finding a new president at a university, I am a member of its board of directors, a search that was blatantly hijacked by its male chair in the power race.
I ended up resigning to protest, not just because it was unfair, but because it was stupid.
But I am proud of the three women who came forward to speak, who did not want to be victims of silence.
There is no doubt that the world is changing.
Fortunately, we're starting to see more real sex.
There are all kinds of boards and businesses in the United States, but there is still a long way to go.
The country is ahead of business in politics.
Women have changed the political landscape in the United States. S.
Mid-term elections last November
A record 36 new women won seats in the house, resulting in at least 102 women in the house in 2019 --
The biggest number in history
But the truth is they still make up only 23% of the Senate.
Nevada has made history as the first state with a majority of female legislatures.
But when we look back on 2018, Apollo, published in December, found that only a third American was satisfied with the gender equality situation in the country.
Almost half of the women surveyed saw progress towards gender equality as "insignificant ".
Another 14% said that 2018 did not bring "significant" changes to gender equality at all.
From my observations and experience throughout my career, I can be sure of this: when I become a member of decision-making organizations at all levels, including gender diversity and women's voices, as a result, the process of achieving these goals is often more deliberate and intelligent.
Are there any other reasonable conclusions?
If you're part of an organization that doesn't make the most of women's knowledge, opinions, and experience, helping them wake up is over.
Here are a few ways you can make a difference.
Check if there are gender pay gaps in your organization and address them.
Stop asking what the candidate had previously received as a factor in setting the salary.
Instead, establish a clear compensation framework for any position.
These criteria will then be applied regardless of gender, race or any other discriminatory factor.
Implement the mentor program.
Use women in your organization who can be positive role models for others not only to help aspiring female leaders in the future, but also to help men develop just leadership.
Opportunities to eliminate prejudice.
As suggested by the American Women's Foundation, a way to eliminate any potential bias (
Gender, ethnic groups, etc. )
Is to have the HR manager remove the name from the work application being considered.
This encourages attention to relevant experience only.
Gender equality is a wise move. End of story!
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