getting ready for the first day of school: for teachers - whiteboard for teachers-ITATOUCH-img

getting ready for the first day of school: for teachers - whiteboard for teachers

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-14
getting ready for the first day of school: for teachers  -  whiteboard for teachers
The first day of the school year is the most critical day of the school year.
It's a day to set priorities for the rest of the year, and it's a nerve-racking day to say the least.
Everything will be fine if you are ready.
Here are some tips and ideas on how to prepare teachers for the first day of school.
Before the start of the school year, choose or buy a set of clothing that is not only suitable for the school environment, but also show your students that you are a responsible adult.
While it doesn't necessarily solve all the problems, it will make you look like an authority figure.
Suitable clothing items will be business such as clothing, dress shirt, dress pants, suit, tie, shirt, knee
Long skirts, etc.
Avoid denim, low chest/high chest clothing, too gorgeous pattern
Shirt material, or something else that makes you look more like a college student than a professional.
The first day of school paperwork: seating tables, scoring policies, etc.
It is very important to have everything ready, including all the necessary documents you plan to give students.
Print and organize your lesson plans, seating tables, classroom rules/guidelines, grading policies, and letters to parents.
I will keep my lesson plans, scoring policies and class guides in a binder near my desk for any admin who needs to see them.
I put the seating table on the table or on the podium.
For students, I organized class guides, scoring policies, a letter to parents and a copy of a New pointed pencil and put them in a folder on the student table.
Preparing the classroom for the first day of the classroom, keeping the classroom in order is essential for a good start.
Start with items that use the most space: Student tables and teacher tables.
How to arrange these?
The student's desk depends on a few things: the number of students in each class, the subjects you teach, and your teaching style.
For me, I always put the table in a row at the beginning, usually two table pairs.
It was the easiest to work together at the beginning, especially since I often have 30 to 30 years old
5 students per class.
It also sets up a familiar model for students.
Before the students had time to adapt to the classroom rules and appropriate classroom behavior, I did not change the table arrangement for group work or literary reading.
Another problem is the teacher's desk.
It is a big piece of furniture, so it is a bit difficult to operate and place in the classroom.
For most teachers, it is in front of the class or behind the class.
I like to put my desk on one side in front of the room, where I can have a safe teacher corner, supervise my students and get the door to the corridor in my sight.
Also, since it's on one side, not in the middle, I can have a bigger stage where I can walk around like I taught.
Place it where you feel comfortable and you know where your items are easily accessible (
However, it is not easy for students to catch! ).
Other furniture items in your classroom (
Bookshelves, filing cabinets, etc)
, It may depend on where you have extra space.
For example, I put my three file cabinets in the back corner of my room, in a space near the second whiteboard.
In this way, they are not on any student table, but I am still able to store my files in a safe place that I can see from the table.
Remember one thing when you're thinking about decorating a room: almost anything can distract students.
Try not to put too much in the room, including posters.
If you are going to hang the posters, keep them at least and make sure they are worth watching from your students.
What does this mean?
This means buying or making posters that meet the curriculum standards.
I have posters with interesting reminders about grammar, spelling, or writing.
I also include some posters for students to think about: posters with citations or inspirational messages about learning and being true to themselves.
In addition to posters, other decorative items include: curtains, mobile phones, statues, lights, pictures, Globes, etc.
Also, remember not to let things get too distracted.
I added things like pictures, paintings and pure curtains to make my classroom feel a little at home.
Teaching on the first day of school: let CourageCourageLast, but of course not the least, is the way you show yourself as a teacher on the first day.
Standing in front of the young audience, it takes a lot of courage to guide and lead them every day.
Prepare a week before school starts.
Think about what you will say when students walk into your door.
At the time of class, what are their tips?
How are you going to introduce yourself?
How will you transition to a class?
How will you close the door?
These are very important things that need to be considered and practiced in advance so that you are as cool as cucumbers when these moments come up.
You may still be nervous inside, but after practicing how to manage your classroom, you can easily meet all the challenges.
As a teacher, on the first day of school, I was asked to meet the students at the door, so I couldn't be in the classroom with them when they arrived.
To prevent them from moving around, I set up a PowerPoint with a slide that says "Welcome!
Please sit down quietly and wait for the class to begin.
When everyone arrived, I walked in and said good morning and counted the number of attendees and the number of lunches.
By having the students wait for my introduction until those important tasks are completed, I teach them how to keep quiet and wait for me to manage things.
When I finished, I started my presentation with a PowerPoint presentation attached.
I talked about myself, my class, my room, my guidelines and my expectations.
At the end of each class, my end was to review with the students how the class was running and what I expected of them the next day.
I would remind them to arrive on time, sit quietly in their seats and start their opening mission without my prompt.
I just came back from duty in the lobby and the class started.
Have a good start this year!
For teachers, the first day of school can be nerve --
But if you are prepared, you will set a positive tone for a smooth school year.
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