google disbands artificial intelligence ethics board one week after launch - online drawing board

google disbands artificial intelligence ethics board one week after launch - online drawing board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-10
google disbands artificial intelligence ethics board one week after launch  -  online drawing board
Google confirmed on Thursday that it has dissolved a recently established AI ethics advisory group in the face of a dispute over its membership.
End of the External Advisory Committee on advanced technology (ATEAC)
Just a few days ago, a group of Google employees launched a public campaign against conservative presidents --
Tank Heritage Foundation among members.
According to the Vox news website, another member of the board has resigned, and the addition of a drone executive has once again raised concerns about the potential military use of artificial intelligence, it first reported on the dissolution of the Council.
"It is clear that in the current environment, the ATEAC cannot operate as we require," Google told AFP . ".
"So we're going to finish the meeting and go back to the drawing.
Google added that it will seek other ways to collect external input on the responsible use of AI.
A petition posted online called on Google to remove Kay Coles James of the Heritage Foundation from a committee set up a week ago because she has a history of "verbal opposition"trans, anti-LGBTQ and anti-immigrant.
"In choosing James, Google made it clear that its" ethical "version values the proximity of power to the well-being of transgender, other LGBT, and immigrants, "read a statement that was published in the media by a group that claimed to be Google people and opposed Transphobia.
James's position contradicts Google's values. if integrated into artificial intelligence, discrimination may be included in the supermarket.
Intelligent machines, according to the post.
The group said the reason for joining James in the group was to try to think about the diversity of issues.
As of late Thursday, online petitions showed more than 2,300 signatures from academics, Google employees and others, including tech industry peers.
The argument comes at a time when the world is trying to balance the potential benefits of AI and the risks it may be used to deal with people, and even if it takes into account its own ideas, it will turn to its creators
Google chief executive Sundar Pichai said in an interview late last year that technology companies that build artificial intelligence should take moral considerations into account early in the process. The California-
The Internet-based giant is the leader in AI development, competing for smart software with companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, IBM and Microsoft.
Last year, Google released a set of internal artificial intelligence principles. The first principle is that artificial intelligence should be beneficial to society.
Google has vowed not to design or deploy artificial intelligence for weapons, surveillance outside international norms, or technologies designed to violate human rights.
The company notes that it will continue to work with the military or government in areas such as cyber security, training, recruitment, healthcare and search --and-rescue.
Ai has been used to identify people in photos, filter unwanted content from online platforms, and enable cars to drive on their own.
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